================================================================== Joseph C. Mushi, Network and Cyber Security (NCS) REsearch Group, Departmet of Computer Science, College of ICT, University of Dar es Salaam, P. O. Box 33335, Dar es Salaama, Tanzania. mushyjc(at)gmail.com
This Github Repository contain script that collect, manipulate, and clean dataset to prepare tidy data.
The script is writen in a flow that responds to the order of questions.
================================================================================================================= In response to question 1, the script:
set working directory to a folder that contain unzipped files downloaded for the project:
then read training data from downloaded files into features, activityLables, subjectTrain, xTrain and yTrain variables in table format.
The script assign names to columns of read files
The script merge yTrain, subjectTrain, xTrain to create a finalTraining dataset called trainingData
After work with training data, the script start working on test data by reading the data from downloaded files into subjectTest, xTest and yTest variables in table format.
Likewise, the script give names to columns of test files
The script merge xTest, yTest, subjectTest to create finalTest dataset called testData
Having training and test dataset, the script merge these two Dataset to create finalData
And finally for question 1, the script set vector for column names to be used in Question 2
In response to question 2, the script:
creates a logicalVector that contains TRUE values for the ID, mean() and standard deviation() columns and FALSE for others
the script then subset finalData based on the logicalVector to keep only desired columns
In response to question 3, the script:
merge the finalData dataset with acitivityLables to set descriptive names for activities
and then update column-Names vector based on descriptive names for activities
In response to question 4, the script:
clean variable names
give new descriptive column names to the finalData set
In response to question 5, the script:
creates new dataframe without lables on its columns
summarize the dataframe to include mean of variables for each activity and each subject
merging tidyData with lables to set descriptive names for acitvities
export the tidyData in txt format for submission
export the tidyData in machine-readable CSV format
This sript is written and tested in RStudio-0.99.484 installed on Ubuntu 14.04LTS. All the libraries are well loaded on R-3.2. The script and associated files are free for reuse for academic purpose.