I am a machine learning engineer🚀, julia fan, and chess addict 🕵 .
Sr. ML Engineer @Beacon Biosignals
- Deep learning for various EEG markers, including: sleep staging, seizure detection, non-biological artifact detection
Previous affiliations and collaborations:
Sr. ML Engineer @tasq
- Segmentation, anomaly detection, classification, and categorization of high frequency signals, at scale. Projects include:
- Live anomaly detection and event categorization/identification stack
- Optimization using sensor data, both naive historical and (CURRENT WORK) using reinforcement learning
- Signal segmentation accurate enough to identify when sensors meant to detect segments are broken
- Fast multidimensional pattern matching algorithm
Stanford AIMI: contrastive multimodal deep learning
NASA Goddard: Automated Spectroscopy, presented as a talk at ACM Astrochemical complexity conference in 2020
SMU: Masters, thesis on using attention on sEMG signals for smart prosthetics, published to ML4H 2020
- Making one million half finished projects
- Neovim
- Linux
- Chess
- Unsupervised, self-supervised, and representation learning
- High frequency time series and signals
- Cooking
- Self-sustainability
- Mountain biking
- Julia
- Lua
- Rust
- Scientific computing
- Bayesian stats