Inspired by BubbleTimer, using Pomodoros.
Bubledoro is a terminal application which allows you to set some goals, defining how much time you plan to spend on them and then track your progress as you spend Pomodoros working on them.
Only mpg321.
It will generate a package and install via PIP:
$ make install
Not implemented
bubbledoro add [goal]
bubbledoro rename [goal]
bubbledoro delete [goal]
bubbledoro show
Shows all goals
bubbledoro expect dedication for [goal]
bubbledoro update dedication for [goal]
bubbledoro start session for [goal]
Read input from the user for:
- I worked more than I should, start rest right now
- I was interrupted, restart pomodoro
- Interruptions: work related, non-work related
- I worked more than I should, restart rest
- Last pomodoro was a failure, cancel
Give more sound options, agressive and gentle