library - https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-java
It does what every Sentry client needs to do
Below is an example of how to register Sentry-Android to handle uncaught exceptions
<!-- REQUIRED to send captures to Sentry -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!-- OPTIONAL but makes Sentry-Android smarter -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
import com.joshdholtz.sentry.Sentry;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Sentry will look for uncaught exceptions from previous runs and send them
Sentry.init(this, "YOUR-SENTRY-DSN");
Sentry-Android has two features that make it easy to use.
First, Sentry-Android will, by default, install an uncaught exception handler that will catch and report any uncaught exceptions (crashes) in your app. You only need to add a single line of code to set up Sentry-Android.
Second, since Sentry-Android is written specifically for Android, we can automatically associate device and OS information to error-reports. The table below shows an example of what the data will look like in Sentry.
Family | google |
Model | bullhead (Nexus 5X) |
Architecture | aarch64 |
Orientation | portrait |
screen_resolution | 1794x1080 |
Name | Android |
Version | 7.0 (24) |
Kernel Version | 3.10.73-g76d746e |
name | com.example.package |
version_code | 210 |
version_name | 2.1 |
Sentry-Android will attempt to send all crash reports when the app starts back up. If something fails to upload, Sentry-Android will attempt to send again on next start. If you would like to manually attempt to send crash reports, please use the following call in your app 😊 Sentry.sendAllCachedCapturedEvents()
Version | Changes |
1.6.2 | Now able to set the environment of the app #123 |
1.6.1 | Fix bug in release version setting - the built-in package version was overriding the user-specified one. #120 |
1.6.0 | Increase breadcrumb limit to 100 to match other Sentry clients, allow runtime configuration. #117. Removed org.apache HTTP library 116. |
1.5.4 | Ensure that breadcrumbs are added to all exceptions. #115. |
1.5.3 | Fix thread-safety bug when serializing breadcrumbs. #110 (thanks to fab1an). |
1.5.2 | Send stack-frames to Sentry in the correct order. #95. Use the versionName, rather than versionCode, as the default value for the release field of events (thanks to FelixBondarenko). |
1.5.1 | Revert accidental API removal of captureException(Throwable, SentryEventLevel) . |
1.5.0 | Add Breadcrumb support #70. Add release tracking by default #78. Add the ability to attach a stack-trace to any event #81. Use a fixed-size thread-pool for sending events #80. Make it easier to add a message when capturing an exception #77. Added helper methods for addExtra and addTag #74. (thanks to marcomorain) |
1.4.4 | Sends up device, app, and OS context by default (thanks to marcomorain) |
1.4.3 | Fixes for a Google Play warning and added option to not use crash reporting (thanks to ZeroStride) |
1.4.1 | Fixes for a potential memory leak and a crash (thanks to Syhids and woostrowski) |
1.4.0 | Fixes issues when using self-hosted Sentry server |
1.2.1 | Sends up data to Sentry as UTF-8 |
1.2.0 | Added support for Android version 23 and made library avaiable to install via gradle |
1.1.4 | Added support for verify_ssl on DSN (thanks Kras4ooo) |
1.1.3 | Exceptions appear super mega awesome in Sentry now (thanks doapp-jeremiah) |
1.1.2 | Bug fixed - Setting a captureListener was required to send a report (thanks mathzol) |
1.1.1 | Uncaught exception handler now calls SentryEventCaptureListener |
1.1.0 | Saves requests that were captured offline or failed and tries to resend them when it can |
1.0.0 | Removed dependency to Protocol ; allows capture of message from background thread |
0.1.0 | Initial release |
Available in jCenter
compile 'com.joshdholtz.sentry:sentry-android:1.6.0'
JAR can be downloaded here
The AndroidManifest.xml requires the permission android.permission.INTERNET
and would like the permission android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
even though optional.
<!-- REQUIRED to send captures to Sentry -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!-- OPTIONAL but makes Sentry-Android smarter -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
Sentry.captureMessage("Something significant may have happened");
try {
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Sentry.captureEvent(new Sentry.SentryEventBuilder()
.setMessage("Being awesome")
.setCulprit("Josh Holtz")
You can record breadcrumbs to track what happened in your application leading up to an error.
There are 3 ways to log a breadcrumb.
// Record that a user sent a HTTP POST to example.com and it was successful.
Sentry.addHttpBreadcrumb("http://example.com", "POST", 200);
// Record the fact that user clicked a button to go from the main menu to the
// settings menu.
Sentry.addNavigationBreadcrumb("user.click", "main menu", "settings");
// Record a general, application specific event
Sentry.addBreadcrumb("user.state_change", "logged in");
The SDK will automatically tag events with a release.
The release is set to the app's versionName
by default.
You can override the release
easily by using the setRelease(String release)
function from inside a SentryEventCaptureListener
// Sets a listener to intercept the SentryEventBuilder before
// each capture to set values that could change state
Sentry.setCaptureListener(new SentryEventCaptureListener() {
public SentryEventBuilder beforeCapture(SentryEventBuilder builder) {
// Needs permission - <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
ConnectivityManager connManager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo mWifi = connManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);
// Sets extra key if wifi is connected
return builder
.addExtra("wifi", String.valueOf(mWifi.isConnected()))
.addTag("tag_1", "value_1");
Email: josh@rokkincat.com
Twitter: @joshdholtz
Sentry-Android is available under the MIT license.