This repository contains the documents and R notebooks for our Capstone Project.
- .vscode is a directory containing configurations that make development and authoring in VSCode easier
- docs is the directory containing the rendered html for our notebook
- Journal is a directory contain a journal of sources for each team member
- MIMIC_ICU_Data is a directory that holds a download of our data set and some R files for data exploration
- Models is a scratch directory holding all the various debugging and tuning tests that we ran over the course of the project in search of an optimal model
- presentation_images contains the two raster images displayed in the presentation
- _quarto.yml is the notebook and websites configuration file
- .gitignore contains the paths and names of files we don't want in the actual repo
- .lintr is a configuration file for the R linter to check our code for common errors
- .nojekyll is an empty file that prevents GitHub pages from attempting to render our content as a Jekyll Project
- about.qmd is an information page about our project, team members, and helpful hint to getting our notebook running for yourself
- index.qmd is the projects main notebook page and home of the website. this contains all the content for the paper
- pkgs.r is a pre-render script that aims to ensure that all the necessary packages are installed prior to trying to render our files
- is this file
- references.bib contains the bibliography for our project in bibtex format
- slides.qmd is the notebook page for our presentation
- STA6257_Project.Rproj is the R Project file to open our note book in RStudio