This neovim config is part of the Yozora project. It is a minimalistic config that is designed to be easy to understand and modify. It is also designed to be easy to use and to be a good starting point for new users.
The main repository for the Yozora project:
If you want to check out the other parts of the Yozora project, you can find them here:
As I work as a full-stack developer, I have included complete support for JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Go. I have also included support for other languages, but it is not as complete.
You can work with React, Vue, and Svelte with this config. It also includes support for Django, Flask, and FastAPI.
This config uses Packer as a package manager
- LSP support
- Treesitter support
- Autocompletion
- Linting
- Formatting
- Fuzzy finding
- Git integration
- Telescope for file browsing
- Statusline
- Bufferline
- Color scheme
- Instal packer as the package manager:
- Clone the repository
git clone ~/.config/nvim
- Install the required packages
# You can install the required packages by running the following command either with npm or your package manager of choice
npm install -g pyright prettier tree-sitter-cli eslint eslint_d
- Enter neovim and run
Keybinding | Description |
sf |
Telescope browse files |
;r |
Fuzzy find in the current project |
;e |
Show all diagnostics |
\\ |
Show all buffers |
gd |
Go to definition |
gr |
Find and replace references |
K |
Show documentation |
Ctrl + j |
Move to next lsp diagnostic |
Ctrl + k |
Move to previous lsp diagnostic |
gD |
Find word under cursor |
gR |
Replace start from cursor |
Ctrl + w + h |
Move to the left split |
Ctrl + w + j |
Move to the bottom split |
Ctrl + w + k |
Move to the top split |
Ctrl + w + l |
Move to the right split |
- You can see the git blame on every line.
- The branch name is shown in the statusline.
Show some love ❤️ and support 🙌 by starring the repository.
- theme support