King Pong is an annual ping pong tournament for agencies in Austin, Texas. Different agencies design the site every year and in 2012 I had the pleasure of developing Springbox's design (by Brett Johnson).
You might be able to view it at If that's not loading, it's up for your viewing pleasure, without web fonts, at
Brett shot a video of over 400 ping pong balls dropping onto a ping pong table and we used it as a background on the site. The user's scroll position acts as a scrubber for which frame they're viewing in the movie. As they scroll down, the movie movies forward.
With mobile browsers being where they were at the time, we also created a version that would be loaded without the fanciness if we didn't detect the features we wanted. The mobile version is fully responsive and looks great even on desktops.
The site features some interesting development details:
- Responsive (mostly) with Modernizr feature detection to load a fallback for browsers that we couldn't support.
- Typekit for webfonts (which won't work here, sadly).
- Canvas to render the movie images.
- For enhanced performance, we made spritesheets and progressively load higher resolution sprites, from 40px wide frames up to 720px.
- Codekit was used to compile JS and CSS. (I've since moved on to other build tools like Gulp and Grunt.)