- This benchmarking code must be cloned into your homespace
- This has now been updated to use mulitprocessing, to edit how many processes you have to change "-j 8" in the gen.sh scripts for all of pipetask operations (multiband, processccd and coaddtions)
- Step 1 : Setting up the latest lsst environment
- Installing the newinstall.sh and eups distrib
- The eups distirb is updated weekly and the newinstall scripts is update less frequently but if you notice that eups install doesn't fully excuted you'll need to redownload the latest version of the newinstall
- Make an installation directory:
- run: mkdir -p lsst_stack
- run: cd lsst_stack
- run: mkdir -p lsst_stack
- Run newinstall.sh
- Make sure you get the latest tag (https://github.com/lsst/lsst/tags)
- run: curl -OL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/lsst/w.2021.34/scripts/newinstall.sh
- run: bash newinstall.sh -ct
- We recommend that you opt into the provided Miniconda Python environment (see https://pipelines.lsst.io/v/weekly/install/newinstall.html). Then load the LSST software environment into your shell:
- run: source loadLSST.bash # for bash
- run: source loadLSST.csh # for csh
- run: source loadLSST.ksh # for ksh
- run: source loadLSST.zsh # for zsh
- run: source loadLSST.bash # for bash
- Make sure you get the latest tag (https://github.com/lsst/lsst/tags)
- Install Science Pipelines packages
- The LSST Science Pipelines is distributed as the lsst_distrib EUPS package. Install the current version, w_latest:
- run: eups distrib install -t w_latest lsst_distrib
- run: curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lsst/shebangtron/master/shebangtron | python
- run: setup lsst_distrib
- run: setup lsst_apps
- run: eups distrib install -t w_latest lsst_distrib
- The LSST Science Pipelines is distributed as the lsst_distrib EUPS package. Install the current version, w_latest:
- Installing the newinstall.sh and eups distrib
- Step 2 : Changing the configuration of obs_subaru and meas_base package
- Bright object mask error solution
- path to repo (Note: this is a guide to the path, your path is likely to be a tiny bit different (different numbers))cd ~/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py38_4.9.2-0.6.0/Linux64/obs_subaru/22.0.1-20-g904645ea+7c6b33a4e9/config/
- Within this repository there is the "measureCoaddSources.py" and "forcedPhotCoadd.py"
- Comment out these lines in both of the scripts above:
- config.measurement.plugins['base_PixelFlags'].masksFpCenter.append('BRIGHT_OBJECT')
- config.measurement.plugins['base_PixelFlags'].masksFpAnywhere.append('BRIGHT_OBJECT')
- config.measurement.plugins['base_PixelFlags'].masksFpCenter.append('BRIGHT_OBJECT')
- path to repo (Note: this is a guide to the path, your path is likely to be a tiny bit different (different numbers))cd ~/lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py38_4.9.2-0.6.0/Linux64/obs_subaru/22.0.1-20-g904645ea+7c6b33a4e9/config/
- Fixing the id factory "large exporsure ID "
- path to repo (Note: this is a guide to the path, your path is likely to be a tiny bit different (different numbers)) cd lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py38_4.9.2-0.6.0/Linux64/meas_base/22.0.1-10-gba590ab+1f0801fda2/python/lsst/meas/base/
- comment out this line:
- idFactory = lsst.afw.table.IdFactory.makeSource(expId, 64 - expBits)
- idFactory = lsst.afw.table.IdFactory.makeSource(expId, 64 - expBits)
- Copy the import in the import section and the rest in the generateMeasCat
- from lsst.obs.base import ExposureIdInfo
exposureIdInfo = ExposureIdInfo.fromDataId(exposureDataId, "tract_patch_band")
idFactory = exposureIdInfo.makeSourceIdFactory()
- path to repo (Note: this is a guide to the path, your path is likely to be a tiny bit different (different numbers)) cd lsst_stack/stack/miniconda3-py38_4.9.2-0.6.0/Linux64/meas_base/22.0.1-10-gba590ab+1f0801fda2/python/lsst/meas/base/
- Bright object mask error solution
- Step 3 : Installing all of the profiling tools
- iostat: (disk profiling)
- run: yum -y install sysstat
- run: yum -y install sysstat
- IFDATA: (network profiling)
- run: sudo yum install moreutils
- run: sudo yum install moreutils
- iostat: (disk profiling)
- Step 4 : installing and configurating the s3 tools
- Rclone
- More information about rclone is within the rclone_docs directory:
- run: cd ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst/rclone_docs
- run: cd ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst/rclone_docs
- Installation:
- run: curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash
- run: curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash
- Configuration:
- run: rclone config
- Type of storage to configure = "s3"
Choose your S3 provider = "Ceph"
AWS Access Key ID = "access_key"
AWS Secret Access Key ="secret_access_key"
Endpoint for S3 API ="s3.echo.stfc.ac.uk"
All of the other configs settings can be set to default
- Type of storage to configure = "s3"
- run: rclone config
- More information about rclone is within the rclone_docs directory:
- S3cmd
- Installation:
- run: yum install s3cmd
- run: yum install s3cmd
- Configuration:
- s3cmd's default configuration files is located at ~/.s3cfg. To set up s3cmd to use Echo replace the contents of the file with:
- [default]
access_key =
secret_key =
host_base = s3.echo.stfc.ac.uk
host_bucket = s3.echo.stfc.ac.uk/%(bucket) - Filling the access key and secret key fields with your Echo S3 credentials. Ensure this file is only readable by your user if you are on a shared system.
- [default]
- s3cmd's default configuration files is located at ~/.s3cfg. To set up s3cmd to use Echo replace the contents of the file with:
- Installation:
- Rclone
- Step 5 : CephFS configuration
- Mount your CephFS instance in your home space (e.g. ~/cephfs_lsst)
- make sure you call it "cephfs_lsst"
- Mount your CephFS instance in your home space (e.g. ~/cephfs_lsst)
you have to been in the LSST conda environment to do this step (look at the beginning of running the test)
Step 1: run: git lfs install (in the sourced conda environment )
Step 2: Downloading the sample data
- cd ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst
- git clone https://github.com/lsst/testdata_ci_hsc
- cd ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst
Step 3: Moving the data so it works with the testing
- run: setup lsst_distrib
- run: setup lsst_apps
- run: butler ingest-raws ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst/DATA_gen3 ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst/testdata_ci_hsc/raw
Before running the test you have source the lsst environment
- run: cd ~/lsst_stack
- run: source loadLSST.bash
- run: setup lsst_distrib
- run: setup lsst_apps
- run: export S3_ENDPOINT_URL=S3_endpoint (only needed if you are going to test S3 storage)
- run: cd ~/lsst_stack
To run all of them:
- cd ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst/pipeline_runners
- run: source all_runner.sh
- cd ~/LSST-RAL-ECHO-EXP/lsst/pipeline_runners
To run one of them source the approperiate script in the pipeline_runner
- run: source <>_runner.sh
- run: source <>_runner.sh
- The data can be found in the time_test directory under its respective endpoint storages and command line tasks/ pipetasks
- The notebook directory has examples of how I analysed the data, feel free to use this or create your own anaylsis code
- pipetasks (https://pipelines.lsst.io/modules/lsst.ctrl.mpexec/pipetask.html?highlight=pipetasks)
- butler command line task (https://pipelines.lsst.io/modules/lsst.daf.butler/scripts/butler.html)
- My Community post about the GEN 3 run (https://community.lsst.org/t/recreating-the-lsst-science-pipeline-tutorial-gen-2-only-using-generation-3-command-line-tasks-and-the-pipetasks/5606/52)