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Free accessibility tools menu for website maintainers powered by jQuery. See the demo

Getting Started


Add the following imports (make sure to import jQuery before)

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


bower install open-accessibility --save


npm install open-accessibility --save


In order for the plugin to load, it has to be initialized like so:


In addition, some default options may be overidden on initialization:

  textSelector: 'h1,p'

Full list of default options:

isMenuOpened: false
highlightedLinks: false
isMobileEnabled: false
grayscale: 0
brightness: 100
contrast: 100
maxZoomLevel: 3
minZoomLevel: 0.5
zoomStep: 0.2
zoom: 1
cursor: false
textSelector: '.open-accessibility-text'
invert: false
iconSize: 'm',
localization: ['he']

Langual support

In order to use other language add the locale script file right after the open-accessibility.babel libary ( The order is important ).

<script src="dist/open-accessibility.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/locale.min.js"></script>

and use localization property in configuration to set the primary language

localization: ['en']

You may want to extend the locale.json file, or the $.fn.openAccessibility.locale property in order to add your own language!

  • We'll add a support for multilangual select in the menu, soon :)