A simple script on top of Hey that deploys any number of Pods sending load to each other, for a given period.
It can be used to test cluster infrastructure performance and stability.
Here showing also NetObserv in the background
You need to have a kube cluster running (the script uses kubectl
Just run:
-c Cleanup namespaces and exit. Combine with -n to set the number of namespaces to delete.
-n X Number of namespaces. Default: 1
-d X Number of deployments per namespace. Default: 5
-r X Number of replicas per deployment. Default: 2
-w X Number of workers per replica. Default: 50
-z time Load sending duration, e.g. 10s or 3m. Default: 30s
-q qps Rate limit, in query per seconds. 0 means no limit. Default: 200
-p Predictable mode (no random target assignment). Default: disabled
-y Non-interactive mode, reply 'yes' to prompt. Default: disabled
-f Fake / dry run. Default: disabled
-h Print this help.