I am currently a Graduate Research Assistant at the Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, where I'm pursuing my Masters in Energy with support from a scholarship provided by the Brazilian National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). My previous experience includes working on projects that integrate geophysical and geological data for fracking in the oil and gas. I'm interested in data science, geoscience, statistics, and industry related problems.
- Languages: C, Python, R, VBA
- Python and R Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, dplyr, ggplot2
- Tools: Excel, Office, Power BI, QGIS, Surfer, Oasis Montaj, Res2DInv, Git, SQL
- Masters in Energy, University of São Paulo (Sep 2024)
- Bachelors in Geophysics, University of São Paulo (2021)
ML Applied to Petrophysics: Application of machine learning methods for petrophysical prediction (density, porosity, and permeability) in basalts of the Serra Geral Group: Implications for carbon storage.
Magnetic Lineament Clustering: Demonstrates the use of Jenks Natural Breaks for segmenting magnetic lineaments into structural families, coupled with statistical validation and geospatial visualization in Python.
SQL Murder Mystery: Investigation case solved using SQL queries to analyze crime scene data across multiple database tables, demonstrating practical SQL analysis skills.
🔭 I’m currently working on this page.