Starting with the cloned repository or the unzipped archive of the repository in your directory, open Terminal or Commmand Prompt, navigate to the root of the "fibonacci-calc" directory, and enter
npm install
to install dependencies. -
After waiting for the install to complete in Terminal or Command Prompt, enter
npm run dev
and open the site "http://localhost:3000" on your web browser. If port 3000 is in use, it might be a different name so check the url output on the terminal to confirm. -
Start at the homepage with a form with a single entry for a number. The number you enter is the number of Fibonacci numbers you want to have calculated and displayed.
- In the example here, I enter 3, but you can enter any number greater 0. Keep in mind that the calculator will not display past the 79th Fibonacci number due to safe integer limitations in JavaScript/TypeScript. Once you have selected how many numbers you want to display, click the green "Submit" button.
- Make sure you enter the number correctly before submitting. Clicking the "Submit" button with a blank input or a number less than or equal to 0 will result in an error.
- You will be redirected to the Results page, where you can see the Fibonacci numbers you requested in a comma-separated list below. If you want to try the process again, click the "Home" link to return to the homepage.