Please note this project is neither created nor backed by Dexcom, Inc. This software is not a product. xdrip-js comes with no warranty or official support. Anyone using xdrip-js is doing so at their own risk and must take responsibility for their own safety. The use of xdrip-js for therapy is not FDA approved and comes with inherent risks.
Update node version. Please see wiki page for instructions
See Lookout or Logger for two examples of applications built using this library.
cd ~/src
git clone
cd xdrip-js
sudo npm install
npm test
To make the transmitter communication more reliable, it is recommended to unpair the transmitter from the rig between every read event. bt-device -r DexcomXX
where XX is the last 2 digits of the transmitter serial number.
sudo node example <######>
where <######>
is the 6-character serial number of the transmitter.
To see verbose output, use sudo DEBUG=* node example <######>
, or replace the *
with a comma separated list of the modules you would like to debug. E.g. sudo DEBUG=smp,transmitter,bluetooth-manager node example <######>
const Transmitter = require('xdrip-js');
// transmitterId is 6-character transmitter serial number
// getMessagesCallback is callback function to return array of messages to send to transmitter
// alternateBluetoothChannel is a boolean to use receiver BT channel if true - defaults to false
const transmitter = new Transmitter(transmitterId, getMessagesCallback, alternateBluetoothChannel);
See Node.js EventEmitter docs for more info on the event API.
glucose = {
inSession: <bool>,
glucoseMessage: {
status: <int>, // Transmitter Status: see below for full list of valid values
sequence: <int>, // Increments for each glucose value read
timestamp: <int>, // Glucose read time in seconds since transmitter start
glucoseIsDisplayOnly: <bool>,
glucose: <int>, // Glucose value in mg/dL
state: <int>, // Session Status: see below for full list of valid values
trend: <int> // Glucose trend in mg/dL per 10 minutes
timeMessage: {
status: <int>, // Transmitter Status: see below for full list of valid values
currentTime: <int>, // Transmitter current time in seconds since transmitter start
sessionStartTime: <int> // Session start in seconds since transmitter start
status: <int>, // Transmitter Status: see below for full list of valid values
state: <int>, // Session Status: see below for full list of valid values
transmitterStartDate: <string>, // Time of transmitter start such as "2018-05-10T23:58:45.294Z"
sessionStartDate: <string>, // Time of session start such as "2018-08-23T16:09:34.294Z"
readDate: <string>, // Time of glucose value read such as "2018-08-26T18:58:19.294Z"
isDisplayOnly: <bool>,
filtered: <int>, // Filtered glucose value in mg/dL * 1000
unfiltered: <int>, // Unfiltered glucose value in mg/dL * 1000
glucose: <int>, // Current glucose value in mg/dL
trend: <int>, // Glucose trend in mg/dL per 10 minutes
canBeCalibrated: <bool>, // Transmitter able to accept calibration command?
rssi: <int> // Receive signal strength indicator
transmitter.on('glucose', callback(glucose));
validTransmitterValues = [
0x00, // OK
0x81, // Low Battery
0x83 // Expired
validSessionValues = [
0x00, // None
0x01, // Stopped
0x02, // Warmup
0x03, // Unused
0x04, // First Calibration
0x05, // Second Calibration
0x06, // OK
0x07, // Need calibration
0x08, // Calibration Error 1
0x09, // Calibration Error 0
0x0a, // Calibration Linearity Fit Failure
0x0b, // Sensor Failed Due to Counts Aberration
0x0c, // Sensor Failed Due to Residual Aberration
0x0d, // Out of Calibration Due To Outlier
0x0e, // Outlier Calibration Request - Need a Calibration
0x0f, // Session Expired
0x10, // Session Failed Due To Unrecoverable Error
0x11, // Session Failed Due To Transmitter Error
0x12, // Temporary Session Failure - ???
0x13, // Reserved
0x80, // Calibration State - Start
0x81, // Calibration State - Start Up
0x82, // Calibration State - First of Two Calibrations Needed
0x83, // Calibration State - High Wedge Display With First BG
0x84, // Unused Calibration State - Low Wedge Display With First BG
0x85, // Calibration State - Second of Two Calibrations Needed
0x86, // Calibration State - In Calibration Transmitter
0x87, // Calibration State - In Calibration Display
0x88, // Calibration State - High Wedge Transmitter
0x89, // Calibration State - Low Wedge Transmitter
0x8a, // Calibration State - Linearity Fit Transmitter
0x8b, // Calibration State - Out of Cal Due to Outlier Transmitter
0x8c, // Calibration State - High Wedge Display
0x8d, // Calibration State - Low Wedge Display
0x8e, // Calibration State - Linearity Fit Display
0x8f // Calibration State - Session Not in Progress
details = {
time: <int> // epoch time
transmitter.on('messageProcessed', callback(details));
details = {
voltagea: <int>, // V * 200 - voltage level of battery a
voltageb: <int>, // V * 200 - voltage level of battery b
resist: <int>, // measured resistance - units unknown
runtime: <int>, // number of days since transmitter started
temperature: <int> // Centigrade temperature of transmitter
transmitter.on('batteryStatus', callback(details));
details = {
status: <int>, // Transmitter Status: see above for full list of valid values
firmwareVersion: <string>, // Semantic version of firmware
btFirmwareVersion: <string>, // Semantic version of bluetooth firmware
asic: <int>, // Unknown
buildVersion: <int> // Build version
inactiveDays: <int> // Number of inactivate days of transmitter
maxRuntimeDays: <int> // Maximum number of days supported by transmitter
maxInactiveDays: <int> // Shelf life number of days supported by transmitter before opening
typicalSensorDays: <int> // How long does typical sensor session last
featureBits: <int> // Unknown
transmitter.on('version', callback(details));
calibrationData = {
date: <string>, // time of last calibration such as "2018-08-26T18:58:19.294Z"
glucose: <int> // User entered calibration glucose in mg/dL
transmitter.on('calibrationData', callback(calibrationData));
transmitter.on('disconnect', callback());
These messages can be sent to the transmitter by returning an array of them from the getMessagesCallback function
startMsg = {
type: 'StartSensor',
date: <int>, // epoch time to start sensor session
sensorSerialCode: <int> // sensor serial number
stopMsg = {
type: 'StopSensor',
date: <int> // epoch time to stop sensor session
calibrateMsg = {
type: 'CalibrateSensor',
date: <int>, // epoch time of glucose reading
glucose: <int> // glucose value in mg/dL
resetMsg = {
type: 'ResetTx'
batteryStatusRequestMsg = {
type: 'BatteryStatus'
VersionRequestMsg = {
type: 'VersionRequest'