This is a simple example of an Azure Functions custom handler written in C#. Of course, Azure Functions supports C# quite nicely out-of-the-box, so typically there's no need for this if you're targeting C#. However, there are scenarios where you might want to leverage the Azure Functions host model (elastic scale, triggers and bindings, consumption-based #, etc.) but use a different programming model than functions-as-a-service.
Custom handlers run as a standalone HTTP endpoint adjacent to the Functions runtime, and invoked by the Functions runtime in response to Functions input:
This sample implements the handler as a standard ASP.NET Core Web API app. The Functions runtime and Web API app are baked into a single Docker image which runs equally well on your laptop or in the cloud.
Postman or some other API testing tool
clone the repo
open a Powershell prompt in the FunctionHost folder
execute the build-and-run.ps1 script, which will:
- delete any existing 'bin' and 'obj' folders
- copy all source from WebApplication1 to 'FunctionHost/src'
- build a Docker image to host the Functions runtime and your custom ASP.NET endpoint (invoked by the Functions runtime) using this Dockerfile
- start up a container using the image built in the last step
to interact with the Functions app, use Postman or a similar tool to issue an HTTP GET: