Clindex is a general and extensible Clojure[Script] source code indexer. It scans a Clojure[Script] project together with all its dependencies and generates a datascript database with facts about them.
It is intended to be used as a platform for building dev tools so they don't have to deal with the complexities of understanding Clojure code by reading the filesystem.
Instead, as an api for talking about your code it gives you a datascript db full of facts you can use together with d/q
, d/pull
, d/entity
, etc.
- Index your project and all its dependency tree (only lein and deps.edn supported so far)
- Big set of facts out of the box, see schema
- Extensible, you can make any form generate any facts by adding a method for the
multimethod - Hot reload, watches your sources and reindexes whenever something on its source path changes, taking care of retraction and notification
Clindex is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars.
The latest released version is:
(require '[clindex.api :as clindex])
(require '[datascript.core :as d])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pprint])
;; first you index a project folder for some platforms
(clindex/index-project! "./" {:platforms #{:clj}})
;; then retrieve the datascript db for the platform you want to explore
(def db (clindex/db :clj))
;; now you can explore your code using datalog, pull or whatever you can run against datascript
;; lets query all the vars that start with "eval"
(->> (d/q '[:find ?vname ?nname ?pname ?vline ?fname
:in $ ?text
[?fid :file/name ?fname]
[?pid :project/name ?pname]
[?nid :namespace/file ?fid]
[?pid :project/namespaces ?nid]
[?nid :namespace/name ?nname]
[?nid :namespace/vars ?vid]
[?vid :var/name ?vname]
[?vid :var/line ?vline]
[(str/starts-with? ?vname ?text)]]
(map #(zipmap [:name :ns :project :line :file] %))
;; =>
;; | :name | :ns | :project | :line | :file |
;; |---------------+-------------------+---------------------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
;; | eval-opt | clojure.main | org.clojure/clojure | 482 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.10.1/clojure-1.10.1.jar!/clojure/main.clj |
;; | eval-str | cljs.repl.graaljs | org.clojure/clojurescript | 49 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.516/clojurescript-1.10.516.jar!/cljs/repl/graaljs.clj |
;; | eval-result | cljs.repl.rhino | org.clojure/clojurescript | 64 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.516/clojurescript-1.10.516.jar!/cljs/repl/rhino.clj |
;; | eval-opt | cljs.cli | org.clojure/clojurescript | 260 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.516/clojurescript-1.10.516.jar!/cljs/cli.clj |
;; | eval-cljs | cljs.repl | org.clojure/clojurescript | 682 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.516/clojurescript-1.10.516.jar!/cljs/repl.cljc |
;; | evaluate-form | cljs.repl | org.clojure/clojurescript | 499 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.516/clojurescript-1.10.516.jar!/cljs/repl.cljc |
;; | evaluate | cljs.repl | org.clojure/clojurescript | 131 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.516/clojurescript-1.10.516.jar!/cljs/repl.cljc |
;; | eval-resource | cljs.repl.graaljs | org.clojure/clojurescript | 52 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.516/clojurescript-1.10.516.jar!/cljs/repl/graaljs.clj |
;; | eval | clojure.core | org.clojure/clojure | 3210 | jar:file:/home/jmonetta/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.10.1/clojure-1.10.1.jar!/clojure/core.clj |
options should be a map with the following keys :
a set containing :clj and/or :cljs:extra-schema
a schema that will be merged with dbs schemas:on-new-facts
a fn of one arg that will be called with new facts everytime a file inside base-dir project sources changes
You can find the schema here.
You can extend clindex to make any form generate any facts by adding implementations of the clindex.forms-facts.core/form-facts
There are already some extensions not loaded by default, take a look at /src/clindex/forms_facts/. For indexing re-frame facts for example just
(require [ :as re-frame-facts])
and when calling index-project! add to the :extra-schema
The dispatch value for clindex.forms-facts.core/form-facts
is the fully qualified form first symbol. The method will receive as parameters :
a context map that at least will contain:namespace/name
and things like:in-function
if the form is inside a fn definitionform
the form with the first symbol fully qualified when it is a function, it also contains all metadata added by tools.reader + some more stuff
It should return a map with the following keys :
, the new context:facts
, a collection of datascript tx-data like[:db/add eid attr val]
(require '[clindex.forms-facts.core :as forms-facts])
(clindex/index-project! "./test-resources/test-project/"
{:platforms #{:clj}
:extra-schema {:compojure.route/method {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
:compojure.route/url {:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}}})
(defmethod forms-facts/form-facts 'compojure.core/GET
[all-ns-map {:keys [:namespace/name] :as ctx} [_ url :as form]]
(let [route-id (utils/stable-id :route :get url)]
{:facts [[:db/add route-id :compojure.route/method :get]
[:db/add route-id :compojure.route/url url]]
:ctx ctx}))
(def db (clindex/db :clj))
(d/q '[:find ?rmeth ?rurl
:in $
[?rid :compojure.route/method ?rmeth]
[?rid :compojure.route/url ?rurl]]
;; =>
;; #{[:get "/"]
;; [:get "/test"]
;; [:get (add-wildcard path)]}
who calls clojure.core/juxt ?
(let [juxt-vid (d/q '[:find ?vid .
:in $ ?nsn ?vn
[?nsid :namespace/name ?nsn]
[?nsid :namespace/vars ?vid]
[?vid :var/name ?vn]]
(-> (d/pull db [{:var/refs [{:var-ref/namespace [:namespace/name]} :var-ref/line]}] juxt-vid)
;; =>
;; | :var-ref/line | :var-ref/namespace |
;; |---------------+----------------------------------------------------|
;; | 4215 | #:namespace{:name cljs.analyzer} |
;; | 1834 | #:namespace{:name cljs.closure} |
;; | 58 | #:namespace{:name cljs.main} |
;; | 55 | #:namespace{:name cljs.main} |
;; | 336 | #:namespace{:name cljs.repl} |
;; | 3934 | #:namespace{:name cljs.analyzer} |
;; | 37 | #:namespace{:name cljs.main} |
;; | 344 | #:namespace{:name} |
;; | 4186 | #:namespace{:name cljs.analyzer} |
;; | 80 | #:namespace{:name hawk.core} |
;; | 3355 | #:namespace{:name cljs.analyzer} |
;; | 97 | #:namespace{:name cljs.core.server} |
;; | 163 | #:namespace{:name clindex.indexer} |
;; | 113 | #:namespace{:name} |
;; | 2172 | #:namespace{:name cljs.analyzer} |
;; | 79 | #:namespace{:name hawk.core} |
;; | 2576 | #:namespace{:name clojure.core} |
;; | 1145 | #:namespace{:name cljs.repl} |
;; | 1994 | #:namespace{:name cljs.closure} |
;; | 90 | #:namespace{:name datascript.db} |
;; | 621 | #:namespace{:name cljs.cli} |
- Clograms Explore clojure codebases by building diagrams