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stedolan committed Jul 18, 2012
0 parents commit eca89ac
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Showing 4 changed files with 358 additions and 0 deletions.
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions JQ.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
module JQ where
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.String
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (sortBy,sort,groupBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Reader

type Path = [Either Int String]

type Program = JSValue -> [(JSValue, Path)]

type JQ = ReaderT JSValue (WriterT Path [])

runJQ :: JQ a -> JSValue -> [a]
runJQ prog val = map fst $ runWriterT $ runReaderT prog val

(>|) :: JQ JSValue -> JQ a -> JQ a
a >| b = do
val <- a
local (const val) b

collect :: JQ a -> JQ [a]
collect prog = do
arg <- ask
return $ runJQ prog arg

collectPaths :: JQ a -> JQ [(a,Path)]
collectPaths prog = do
arg <- ask
return $ runWriterT $ runReaderT prog arg

insert :: JSValue -> (JSValue, Path) -> JSValue
insert base (replace, []) = replace
insert (JSArray values) (replace, ((Left n):rest)) = JSArray values'
(left, (_:right)) = splitAt n values
values' = left ++ [replace] ++ right
insert (JSObject obj) (replace, ((Right k):rest))= JSObject $ toJSObject obj'
withoutK = filter ((/= k) . fst) $ fromJSObject obj
obj' = (k, replace):withoutK

eqj a b = JSBool $ a == b

liftp :: (JSValue -> JSValue) -> JQ JSValue
liftp f = liftM f ask

idp = undefined
failp t = []

constp :: JSValue -> Program
constp t t' = idp t

anyj :: [JSValue] -> Bool
anyj values = any isTrue values
isTrue (JSBool False) = False
isTrue (JSNull) = False
isTrue _ = True

selectp prog = do
match <- collect prog
guard $ anyj match

constStr :: String -> JQ JSValue
constStr = return . JSString . toJSString

constInt :: Int -> JQ JSValue
constInt = return . JSRational False . toRational

updatep p = do
t <- ask
liftM (foldl insert t) $ collectPaths p

arrayp prog = liftM JSArray $ collect prog

childp' :: JSValue -> JQ JSValue
childp' (JSArray values) = msum [tell [Left i] >> return v | (v,i) <- zip values [0..]]
childp' (JSObject obj) = msum [tell [Right k] >> return v | (k,v) <- fromJSObject obj]
childp' _ = mzero

childp = ask >>= childp'

--findp :: Program -> Program
findp prog = do
found <- collect prog
if anyj found then ask else childp >| findp prog

groupp prog = do
list <- ask
case list of
JSArray values -> do
marked <- forM values $ \v -> do
m <- collect (return v >| prog)
return (m,v)
msum $
map (return . JSArray . map snd) $
groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $
sortBy (comparing fst) $
_ -> return JSNull

withArray f (JSArray values) = JSArray $ f values
withArray f x = x

callp "select" [p] = selectp p
callp "find" [p] = findp p
callp "set" [p] = updatep p
callp "sort" [] = liftp (withArray sort)
callp "group" [p] = groupp p

lookupj :: JSValue -> JSValue -> JQ JSValue
lookupj (JSArray values) (JSRational _ n) = do
let idx = round n
tell [Left idx]
if idx >= 0 && idx < length values
then return $ values !! idx
else return $ JSNull
lookupj (JSObject obj) (JSString s) = do
tell [Right (fromJSString s)]
case (lookup (fromJSString s) (fromJSObject obj)) of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> return JSNull
lookupj _ _ = mzero

plusj (JSRational _ n1) (JSRational _ n2) = JSRational True (n1 + n2)
plusj (JSString s1) (JSString s2) = JSString $ toJSString (fromJSString s1 ++ fromJSString s2)
plusj (JSArray a1) (JSArray a2) = JSArray $ a1 ++ a2

js :: JSON a => a -> JSValue
js = showJSON

index s = do
v <- ask
lookupj v (js s)

dictp progs = do
liftM (JSObject . toJSObject) $ forM progs $ \(k,v) -> do
JSString k' <- k
v' <- v
return (fromJSString k', v')

101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions Lexer.x
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
module Lexer where
import Control.Monad.Error

%wrapper "monadUserState"

$digit = 0-9
$alpha = [a-zA-Z_]
@reserved = "."|"["|"]"|","|":"|"("|")"|"{"|"}"|"|"|"=="|"+"
@ident = $alpha [$alpha $digit]*
@string = \" ($printable)* \"

tokens :-

<0> $white+ ;
<0> @reserved { tok TRes }
<0> @ident { tok TIdent }
<0> $digit+ { tok $ TInt . read }

<0> \" { enterString }
<string> \" { leaveString }
<string> ($printable # [\"\\]) { pushString id }
<string> \\ [\"\\\/] { pushString (drop 1) }
<string> \\ [nrt] { pushString (escape . drop 1) }
--<string> \\ 'u' [0-9a-fA-F]{4}
-- { pushString (parseUnicode . drop 2) }

-- @string { \s -> TString $ init $ tail s}


escape :: String -> String
escape "r" = "\r"
escape "n" = "\n"
escape "t" = "\t"

getState :: Alex AlexState
getState = Alex $ \s -> Right (s, s)

getUserState :: Alex AlexUserState
getUserState = liftM alex_ust getState

setUserState :: AlexUserState -> Alex ()
setUserState s' = Alex $ \s -> Right (s{alex_ust = s'}, ())

alexEOF = return $ Nothing

enterString input len = do
setUserState []
alexSetStartCode string
skip input len

pushString f i@(p, _, s) len = do
buf <- getUserState
setUserState (buf ++ [f $ take len s])
skip i len

leaveString input len = do
s <- getUserState
alexSetStartCode 0
return $ Just $ TString $ concat s

tok f (p,_,s) len = return $ Just $ f (take len s)
data Token = TRes String | TString String | TIdent String | TInt Int

instance Show Token where
show (TRes t) = "token " ++ t
show (TString t) = "string " ++ t
show (TIdent t) = "identifier " ++ t
show (TInt t) = "integer " ++ show t

type AlexUserState = [String]

alexInitUserState = undefined

wrapError (Alex scanner) = Alex $ \s -> case scanner s of
Left message -> Left (message ++ " at " ++ showpos (alex_pos s))
showpos (AlexPn off line col) = "line " ++ show line ++ ", column " ++ show col
x -> x

scanner = do
tok <- wrapError alexMonadScan
case tok of
Nothing -> do
s <- getState
case alex_scd s of
0 -> return []
string -> alexError "Unterminated string literal"
Just tok -> liftM (tok:) scanner

runLexer :: String -> Either String [Token]
runLexer input = runAlex input scanner

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import Parser
import Lexer
import JQ
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.String
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import System.IO

parseJS :: String -> JSValue
parseJS s = case runGetJSON readJSValue s of
Left err -> error err
Right val -> val

main = do
[program] <- getArgs
json <- liftM parseJS $ hGetContents stdin
case runLexer program >>= runParser of
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right program -> mapM_ (putStrLn . encode) (runJQ program json)
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions Parser.y
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
module Parser where
import Lexer
import JQ
import Text.JSON
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader

%name runParser Exp
%tokentype { Token }

%monad { Either String }
%error { \t -> fail $ "parse error: unexpected " ++ if null t then [] else (show $ head t) }

'|' { TRes "|" }
'.' { TRes "." }
'[' { TRes "[" }
']' { TRes "]" }
'{' { TRes "{" }
'}' { TRes "}" }
'(' { TRes "(" }
')' { TRes ")" }
',' { TRes "," }
':' { TRes ":" }
'==' { TRes "==" }
'+' { TRes "+" }
Ident { TIdent $$ }
String { TString $$ }
Int { TInt $$ }

%left '|'
%left ','
%nonassoc '=='
%left '+'


: Exp '|' Exp { $1 >| $3 }
| Exp ',' Exp { $1 `mplus` $3 }
| Exp '==' Exp { liftM2 eqj $1 $3 }
| Exp '+' Exp { liftM2 plusj $1 $3 }
| Term { $1 }

: ExpD '|' ExpD { $1 >| $3 }
| ExpD '==' ExpD { liftM2 eqj $1 $3 }
| Term { $1 }

: '.' { ask }
| Term '.' Ident { $1 >| index $3 }
| '.' Ident { index $2 }
| String { constStr $1 }
| Term '[' Exp ']' { do {t <- $1; i <- $3; lookupj t i} }
| Term '[' ']' { $1 >| childp }
| '(' Exp ')' { $2 }
| '[' Exp ']' { arrayp $2 }
| Int { constInt $1 }
| '{' MkDict '}' { dictp $2 }
| Ident '(' Exp ')' { callp $1 [$3] }
| Ident { callp $1 [] }

: { [] }
| MkDictPair { [$1] }
| MkDictPair ',' MkDict { $1:$3 }

: Ident ':' ExpD { (constStr $1, $3) }
| Ident { (constStr $1, index $1) }
| String ':' ExpD { (constStr $1, $3) }
| '(' Exp ')' ':' ExpD{ ($2, $5) }

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