An implementation of the BSD libc rand()
pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) function. The range is [0,2147483647]
No future updates are planned. Feel free to continue using it, but expect no support.
This is a package for the command-line JSON processor jq
. Install the package in your jq project/package directory with jqnpm
jqnpm install joelpurra/jq-random-prng-bsd
import "joelpurra/jq-random-prng-bsd" as RandomPrngBsd;
# RandomPrngBsd::rand(seed; n)
RandomPrngBsd::rand(1;5) # 1103527590, 377401575, 662824084, 1147902781, 2035015474
# RandomPrngBsd::RAND_MAX
RandomPrngBsd::RAND_MAX # 2147483647
Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Peter Koppstein and Joel Purra All rights reserved.
When using jq-random-prng-bsd, comply to the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for details.