To use this service:
Step 1: create a directory on your machine that you will be using.
Step 2: Enter the path for that directory on line 55 in MyNewService.cs. Then build the application.
Step 3: To install it using powershell run installUtil from the build path of the service (./WindowsService1/bin/Debug)
Step 4: When the service is running, create a new text file in the directory you created in step 1
Step 5: Edit the text file in the follwing manner: Type SUDOKU on the first line On subsequent lines, enter each row from a sudoku puzzle, with zeros representing blanks
Example : SUDOKU 050004600 018700000 062050800 080003000 100000002 000100050 006070530 000002970 003600020
After you save the file and close it, reopen and it the puzzle will be solved.