MADARA 3.2.3
Release of updated debian packages. Includes updated ZMQ, SSL, Java, Python, and other major feature support.
The debian packages here are minimal and do not contain tests. The only binaries included are the karl interpreter and madara_version. Each package contains combinations of the following features.
- Python Port Re-Released
- Memory and Thread exceptions
- Various bug fixes to buffer encoding/decoding, Android port, and Python port
- madara: core package name. Required in each package
- clang: compiled with clang / llvm 5.0. If this is not present, GNU compiler has been used. You MUST compile MADARA programs with clang 5.0 if you want to use this package.
- java: compiled with Java 1.8 support. Can be combined with the MADARA java port at the Apache Maven Central Repository
- ssl: compiled with OpenSSL support. Supports encryption with AES 256 bit across transports or to disk with save_context
- zmq: compiled with ZeroMQ support.
- python: compiled with Python support