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License Hosted By: Cloudsmith

This package provides data for mc_rtc

This package can be used as a ROS package.

List of packages

  • mc_env_description description package for static environment compatible with mc_rtc "env" robot module
  • mc_int_obj_description description package for interactive objects compatible with mc_rtc "object" robot module
  • jvrc_description description package for the JVRC1 robot


Ubuntu LTS (18.04, 20.04, 22.04)

You must first setup our package mirror:

curl -1sLf \
  '' \
  | sudo -E bash

You can also choose the head mirror which will have the latest version of this package:

curl -1sLf \
  '' \
  | sudo -E bash

You can then install the package:

sudo apt install mc-rtc-data
# Install in a ROS-compatible way
sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-mc-rtc-data


Install the latest version using conan

conan remote add multi-contact
# Install the latest release
conan install mc_rtc_data/latest@multi-contact/stable
# Or install the latest development version
# conan install mc_rtc_data/latest@multi-contact/dev

Manually build from source


To compile you need the following tools and libraries:


Clone in your catkin/colcon workspace and build

To build outside of these checkout the ROSFree branch or copy the CMakeLists.txt file in debian folder to the root folder first.

git clone --recursive
mkdir mc_rtc_data/_build
cd mc_rtc_data
cp debian/CMakeLists.txt .
cd _build
cmake ..
make install