A library built with backtest portability and performance in mind for backtest trading strategies. There is also an Archive, which can be used to download compatible kline data from Binance (.com or .us) and Coinbase into sqlite databases..
If backests are fast, strategies are cheap.
I'm using this library to build a whole platform (data management, backesting, scanners, signals, etc) via Jupyter Notebooks and a discord bot, and I'm looking for beta testers. If you like this library, send me an email at fasttrade@jedm.dev or join the discord https://discord.gg/Y8ypD3dcgs
If you'd like to add a feature, fix a bug, or something else, please clone the repo and fork it. When you're ready, open a PR into this main repo.
To get started with local dev, clone the repo, set up a virtual env, source it, then install the dev requirements.
git clone git@github.com:<YOUR GIT USERNAME>/fast-trade.git
cd ./fast-trade
python -m venv .fast_trade
source .fast_trade/bin/activate
pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
To generate testing coverage, run
coverage run -m pytest
coverage report -m
pip install fast-trade
strategy.json for an example strategy. The basic idea is you describe the "datapoints" then compare them in the "logics". The "datapoints" describe the technical analysis functions to run, and the "logics" describe the logic to use to determine when to enter and exit trades.
Example backtest script
from fast_trade import run_backtest, validate_backtest
backtest = {
"base_balance": 1000, # start with a balance of 1000
"freq": "5Min", # time period selected on the chard
"chart_start": "2021-08-30 18:00:00", # when to start the chart
"chart_stop": "2021-09-06 16:39:00", # when to stop the chart
"comission": 0.01, # a comission to pay per transaction
"datapoints": [ # describes the data to use in the logic
"args": [ # args are passed to the transformer function
"transformer": "sma", # technical analysis function to run
"name": "sma_short" # reference point for use in logic
"args": [
"transformer": "sma",
"name": "sma_long"
"enter": [
"close", # field to reference, by default this is any column in the data file. Could also be a float or int
">", # operator to compare these to
"sma_long" # name of datapoint that was prevously defined
"exit": [
"rules": [["sharpe_ratio", ">", 0.5]], # use rules to filter out backtests that didnt perform well
"trailing_stop_loss": 0.05, # optional trailing stop loss
"exit_on_end": False, # at then end of the backtest, if true, the trade will exit
# backtests can also come from urls
# backtest = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrmeier/fast-trade/master/sma_strategy.json"
# returns a mirror of the object, with errors if any
# returns the summary object and the dataframe
result = run_backtest(backtest)
summary = result["summary"]
df = result["df"]
trade_log_df = result["trade_df"]
You can also use the package from the command line. Each command's specific help feature can be viewed by running ft <command> -h
List the commands and their help.
ft -h
This will download the last month of data for BTCUSD from binance.us and store in a ft_archive/
directory as a sqlite database.
ft download BTCUSD binanceus
This will backtest a file with a strategy. By default, it will only show a summary of the backtest. However, if you want to save the results, add the --save
flag and it will go the saved_backtests/
ft backtest ./strategy.json
You can validate a backtest before you run it. This doesn't help with the data, but does help with the logic.
ft validate stategy.json
Modifying the freq
ft backtest ./strategy.json --mods freq 1H
Modifying the freq
and the trailing_stop_loss
ft backtest ./strategy.json --mods freq 1H trailing_stop_loss .05
Saving a test result
This generates creates the saved_backtest
directory (if it doesn't exist), then inside of there, is another directory with a timestamp, with a chart, the backtest file, the summary, and the raw dataframe as a csv.
ft backtest ./strategy.json --save
You can download data directly from the CoinbaseAPI and BinanceAPI without registering for an API key.
Get a list of assets available for download from the given exchange. Defaults to binanceus.
ft assets --exchange=EXCHANGE
Download a single asset from the given exchange. Defaults to binanceus.
Download the last 30 days of BTCUSDT from binance.us
ft download BTCUSDT binanceus
ft download SYMBOL --archive ARCHIVE_PATH --start START_DATE --end END_DATE --exchange=EXCHANGE
Update the archive. Brings the archive up to date with the latest data for each symbol.
ft update_archive
This update all the existing items in the archive, downloading the latest data for each symbol.
python -m pytest
coverage run -m pytest
coverage report -m
The output its a dictionary. The summary is a summary all the inputs and of the performace of the model. The df is a Pandas Dataframe, which contains all of the data used in the simulation. And the trade_df
is a subset of the df
frame which just has all the rows when there was an event. The backtest
object is also returned, with the details of how the backtest was run.
Example output:
"return_perc": 10.093,
"sharpe_ratio": 0.893,
"buy_and_hold_perc": 2.086,
"median_trade_len": 4200.0,
"mean_trade_len": 7341.7,
"max_trade_held": 54300.0,
"min_trade_len": 300.0,
"total_num_winning_trades": 136.0,
"total_num_losing_trades": 371.0,
"avg_win_perc": 0.142,
"avg_loss_perc": -0.021,
"best_trade_perc": 0.012,
"min_trade_perc": -0.0025,
"median_trade_perc": -0.0001,
"mean_trade_perc": 0.0002,
"num_trades": 507,
"win_perc": 26.824,
"loss_perc": 73.176,
"equity_peak": 1127.147,
"equity_final": 1112.254,
"max_drawdown": 985.676,
"total_fees": 26.662,
"first_tic": "2024-11-27 01:15:00",
"last_tic": "2025-01-09 03:10:00",
"total_tics": 12408,
"perc_missing": 0.0,
"total_missing": 0,
"test_duration": 0.302,
"num_of_enter_signals": 718,
"num_of_exit_signals": 5564,
"num_of_hold_signals": 6126,
"market_adjusted_return": 8.007,
"position_metrics": {
"avg_position_size": 0.011,
"max_position_size": 0.012,
"avg_position_duration": 18.327,
"total_commission_impact": 2.397
"trade_quality": {
"profit_factor": 2.522,
"avg_win_loss_ratio": 6.881,
"largest_winning_trade": 0.012,
"largest_losing_trade": -0.003
"market_exposure": {
"time_in_market_pct": 37.516,
"avg_trade_duration": 18.327
"effective_trades": {
"num_profitable_after_commission": 0,
"num_unprofitable_after_commission": 507,
"commission_drag_pct": 2.397
"drawdown_metrics": {
"max_drawdown_pct": -11.578,
"avg_drawdown_pct": -3.07,
"max_drawdown_duration": 6178.0,
"avg_drawdown_duration": 137.977,
"current_drawdown": -1.457
"risk_metrics": {
"sortino_ratio": 0.006,
"calmar_ratio": 0.0,
"value_at_risk_95": -0.002,
"annualized_volatility": 0.018,
"downside_deviation": 0.001
"trade_streaks": {
"current_streak": 371,
"max_win_streak": 1,
"max_loss_streak": 19,
"avg_win_streak": 1.0,
"avg_loss_streak": 2.708
"time_analysis": {
"best_day": 0.0,
"worst_day": 0.0,
"avg_daily_return": 0.0,
"daily_return_std": 0.0,
"profitable_days_pct": 0.0,
"best_month": 0.0,
"worst_month": 0.0,
"avg_monthly_return": 0.0,
"monthly_return_std": 0.0,
"profitable_months_pct": 0.0
"rules": {
"all": true,
"any": true,
"results": [
"strategy": {
"any_enter": [],
"any_exit": [],
"freq": "5Min",
"comission": 0.01,
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"exchange": "binanceus",
"datapoints": [
"args": [
"name": "zlema",
"transformer": "zlema"
"args": [
"name": "zlema_1",
"transformer": "zlema"
"enter": [
"exit": [
"start_date": "2024-11-01",
"exit_on_end": false,
"trailing_stop_loss": null,
"rules": [
"base_balance": 1000,
"lot_size_perc": 1.0,
"max_lot_size": 0
The real goal of this project is to get to the point where these strategies can be generated and tested quickly and then be easily iterated on.
Below is an example of a very simple strategey. Basically, datapoints are used to build a list of datapoints to look at which must all be true to produce an enter or exit status for that tick.
Backtests include all the instructions needed to run the backtest minus the data.
- string, optional
- default:
- description: a string for quick reference of the backtest
- string, optional
- default:
- description: a charting period string. allowed values are "Min" (minute), "T" (minute), "D" (day),"H" (hour)
- Ex.
- "1Min" is 1 minute
- "2H" is 2 hours
- "5D" is 5 days
start: string or timestamp
- optional,
- default:
- description: The time string of when to start the backtest with
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
date format or a timestamp. It will be tested - Ex.
"2018-05-01 00:00:00"
May 1st, 2018 at midnight
stop: sting or timestamp
- optional
- default:
- description: The time string of when to stop the backtest with
%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
date format or a timestamp - Ex.
"2020-12-28 00:08:00"
December 28th, 2020 at 8am."2020-06-01"
June 6th, 20201590969600
(seconds) June 6th, 20201590969600000
(milliseconds) June 6th, 2020
base_balance: float or int
- optional
- default: 1000
- description: The starting balance of trade account. Usually $ or "base" coins for cryptocurrencies.
comission: float
- optional
- default: 0.0
- description: The "trading fee" per trade. This is subtracted per trade.
enter: list,
- required
- default:
- description: a list of Logic's with instructions to compare the data on each tick. EVERY logic item must return True to ENTER the trade.
any_enter: list,
- optional
- default:
- description: a list of Logic's with instructions to compare the data on each tick. ANY LOGIC ITEM can return True to ENTER the trade.
exit: list
- required
- default:
- description: a list of Logic's with instructions to compare the data on each tick. EVERY LOGIC ITEM must return True to EXIT the trade.
any_exit: list
- optional
- default:
- description: a list of Logic's with instructions to compare the data on each tick. ANY LOGIC ITEM can return True to EXIT the trade.
datapoints: list
- optional
- default:
- description: This describes how to create the datapoints. Each individual transformer has name that can be referenced in either the
logizs. For more information, see (Datapoints)
trailing_stop_loss: float
- optional
- default
- description: This sets a trailing stop loss, so the trade will exit immediately, without considering any other action. It is the percentage ot follow for example, to set a stop loss of 5%, set
rules: list
- optional
- default:
- description: This is a list of rules to filter out backtests that didnt perform well. See Rules for more information.
This is an example of a simple moving average cross backtest.
"base_balance": 1000,
"freq": "5T",
"chart_start": "2020-08-30 18:00:00",
"chart_stop": "2020-09-06 16:39:00",
"comission": 0.01,
"datapoints": [
"args": [
"transformer": "sma",
"name": "sma_short"
"args": [
"transformer": "sma",
"name": "sma_long"
"enter": [
["close", ">", "sma_long"],
["close", ">", "sma_short"]
"exit": [["close", "<", "sma_short"]],
"trailing_stop_loss": 0.05,
"exit_on_end": False,
Each logic
is contains a single if
statement. The two variables are the first and last item in the list, with the operator to compare them >
, <
, =
, >=
, or <=
To think of this easily, just say it out loud. Ex.
If the close (closing price) at X time is greater than the "short_sma" (custom datapoint), then return True, else return False.
"close", # datapoint or column in provided data
">", # operator for comparisson
"sma_short" # datapoint or column in provided data
If true, thats an enter signal, if false, thats an exit signal.
Valid datapoints:
- open
- high
- low
- close
- volume
- any datapoint (see LogicExample1)
- any additional columns in your data file or your dataframe (see LogicExample2)
"close", # valid datapoint, always provided
">", # logic to use to compare
"short" # valid custom datapoint, defined in datapoints
"rsi", # valid custom datapoint, should be defined in datapoints
"<", # logic to use to compare
70 # integer, float, or string
Logic lookbacks allow you to confirm a signal by checking the last N periods.
"rsi", # valid custom datapoint, should be defined in datapoints
">", # logic to use to compare
30, # integer, float, or string
2 # optional, default 0, LogicalLookback number of periods to confirm this signal
Datapoints are user defined technical indicators. You can select a defined transformer function to apply the technical analysis. They can reference data and calculate the new values to be referenced inside of any of the logics.
- name:
- string, required
- description: a string for quick reference of the datapoint
- transformer:
- string, required
- description: a string of the transformer function to use
- args:
- list, required
- description: a list of arguments to pass to the transformer function
- freq:
- string, optional
- description: a string of the frequency to sample the data at, default is the freq in the backtest
Simple SMA example
"name": "sma_short", # transformer name
"transformer": "sma", # technical analysis function to be used
"args": [20], # arguments to pass to the function, for multiple args, add a "," behind each
"freq": "1Min" # optional, default is the freq in the backtest
See TRANSFORMER_README.md for a list of supported indicators. For the most details, see the actual implementation in fast_trade/finta.py.
If a transfomer function returns multiple series, fast-trade will name concate the name of the series with the name of the transfomer function and whatever the returned name is It will be lowercased and maybe not what you expect. See the specific transformer for more details in./fast_trade/finta.py.
The bbands
function returns three series, one for the upper band and one for the lower band. The name of the series will be bbands_bb_upper
, and bbands_bb_lower
returns 3 columns bb_upper
, bb_middle
, and bb_lower
so the series to reference in the logic will be {transformer_name}_bbands_bb_upper
, {transformer_name}_bbands_bb_middle
, and {transformer_name}_bbands_bb_lower
Rules are used to filter out backtests that didnt perform well. They are based on the summary object keys. This is usefuly for quickly filtering out backtests that didnt perform well.
Rules can use dotted notation to access nested dictionaries.
["sharpe_ratio", ">", 0.5],
["win_perc", ">", 0.5],
["loss_perc", "<", 0.5],
["trade_streaks.avg_win_streak", ">", 2]
See finta/README.md for a list of supported indicators.