Add nuget package elmahcore
1) services.AddElmah() in ConfigureServices
2) app.UseElmah(); in Configure
Default elmah path ~/elmah
services.AddElmah(options => option.Path = "you_path_here")
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.CheckPermissionAction = context => context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
You can create your own error log, which will store errors anywhere.
class MyErrorLog: ErrorLog
//implement ErrorLog
This ErrorLogs available in board:
- MemoryErrorLog – store errors in memory (by default)
- XmlFileErrorLog – store errors in XML files
- SqlErrorLog - store errors in MS SQL (add reference to ElmahCore.Sql)
services.AddElmah<XmlFileErrorLog>(options =>
options.LogPath = "~/log"; // OR options.LogPath = "с:\errors";
services.AddElmah<SqlErrorLog>(options =>
options.ConnectionString = "connection_string"; // DB structure see here: https://bitbucket.org/project-elmah/main/downloads/ELMAH-1.2-db-SQLServer.sql
public IActionResult Test()
HttpContext.RiseError(new InvalidOperationException("Test"));
You can create your own notifiers by implement IErrorNotifier interface and add notifier to Elmah options:
services.AddElmah<XmlFileErrorLog>(options =>
options.Path = @"errors";
options.LogPath = "~/logs";
options.Notifiers.Add(new ErrorMailNotifier("Email",emailOptions));
Each notifier must have unique name.
You can use Elmah XML filter configuration in separate file, create and add custom filters:
services.AddElmah<XmlFileErrorLog>(options =>
options.FiltersConfig = "elmah.xml";
options.Filters.Add(new MyFilter());
Custom filter must implement IErrorFilter. XML filter config example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<notifier name="Email"/>
<greater binding="HttpStatusCode" value="399" type="Int32" />
<lesser binding="HttpStatusCode" value="500" type="Int32" />
see more here
JavaScript filters not yet impemented :(
Add notifiers to errorFilter node if you do not want to send notifications Filtered errors will be logged, but will not be sent.