is an experimental package manager for GitHub Releases. It is probably only good for installing packages which are distributed as binaries (for example the ones written in Go, Rust). The following popular packages can be installed with grm
- mozilla/geckodriver
- gohugoio/hugo
- go-acme/lego
- zyedidia/micro
- ...
inspects release assets for a binary file and when the file is found, downloads and installs it to /usr/local/bin/
$ ./grm
A package manager for GitHub releases
grm [command]
Available Commands:
aliases Print table of known package aliases
help Help about any command
info Show information about a package
install Install a package from GitHub releases
list List installed packages
lock Lock a package
release Create a release in GitHub
remove Remove a package
set Modify settings
settings Print settings
unlock Unlock a package
update Update installed packages
version Print version
-h, --help help for grm
--token string GitHub API token
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
-y, --yes Confirm all
Use "grm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
grm install gohugoio/hugo==v0.63.0 -f Linux-64
Make sure you have
installed (sudo dnf install curl jq
curl -s | jq -r .assets[0].browser_download_url | xargs curl -LOs && chmod +x grm && sudo mv grm /usr/local/bin/