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Exit Speed

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Race car telemetry with a Raspberry Pi.

This project started with a set of LEDs and a USB GPS dongle. The goal was to light the LEDs based on the current speed vs the fastest lap of the session. Hence the name "Exit Speed". Carrying a higher speed on the exit of a turn is crucial in the pursuit of faster lap times.

This mimics the behavior of the red/blue triangle in the HUD of GT Sport. Exit Speed will display green LEDs if the car is faster and red when the car is slower based on the car's position compared to the fastest lap of the session.

Later a DAQ device was added for measuring and logging voltage from sensors such as the throttle position and water temperature. In turn the data was exported to a Timescale database which allows for real time analysis of the data in Grafana. Including lap comparison.

Image of Green LEDs

Example of data logged at Portland International Raceway being replayed. Replayed Data

Water temperature data logged while on track and tethered to a phone. Water Temp

Lap comparison examples. Total hack atm but a work in progress. Speed TPS


Adafruit DotStar LEDs

The Adafruit DotStar LEDs can be trimmed to a desired length and provide ample brightness for use in a race car.


A ADXL345 accelerometer is used to measure the g forces experienced by the car. Calibration was done following the Sparkfun guide to set the min/max values. I need to take the extra time to read the specsheets to see if there is a more accurate way to calibrate the ADXL345. I read somewhere about a sine instead of linear.

UBlox 8

The USB GPS dongle used is GNSS100L. It is based on the UBlox 8 chipset which is very well documented. Note you'll want to bump the output rate of the device to 10hz based on the UBX-CFG-RATE setting. This can be done with the Ublox window software can be set to persist between power cycles. There were a couple of other settings that seem reasonable to change as well so I recommend reading the manual. Unfortunately it's been several months since I initial setup the device and I no longer recall what the other settings were. Bus 001 Device 007: ID 1546:01a8 U-Blox AG [u-blox 8]

Labjack U3

For converting analog voltages to digtial a Labjack U3 device as chosen based on the documentation, API, examples and awesome support. There are cheaper DAQ devices out there however the U3 also supports high voltage readings (0-10v on AIN-0-4 inputs).

They also sell voltage dividers to drop high voltages down to the acceptable low voltage range of 0-2.4v or 0-3.6v for the FIO4-EIO7 inputs.

It's worth noting the options for grounding the U3. We ran a ground from the SGND inputs.


The car I have came with an older WBO 2A0/2A1 device with a LD01 display for the air fuel ratio. Luckily the logging format of the devcie's terminal output is well documented. The wide band device also supports logging of 3 additional 5v sensors and 3 thermocouple inputs.

Software Design Choices

Python has suprisingly been able to keep up with the GPS 10hz output. Ideally this should be rewritten in Go or C++.

I've always wanted to play with the multriprocessing module and it has proved useful. For example the metrics which are uploaded to Timescale are done in a seperate process. This isolates the main process from unexpected errors and delays on I/O operations. The Labjack and WBO2 readings also take place in seperate processes as well.

Crossing Start/Finish

Exit Speed has a map of tracks in the NW with GPS locations of arbitrary start/finish points selected from Google maps. The ExitSpeed class is initialized with a start_finish_range which determines how close the car needs to be to the finish line before we consider the lap complete. Without the range limit points on far ends of the track would have counted as crossing start/finish.

Once the car is within range triangles are created consisting of two points along the straight away and the start/finish point from the prior mapping. When the older of the two points obtuse (greater than 90 degress) it is determined that the car has crossed start/finish. The older point becomes the first and last point of a lap.

Lap Timing

To improve upon lap time calculation a bit of trigonometry and physics is used to calculate a laptime with a resolution of thousands of a seconds despite the 10hz GPS refresh. Accuracy during testing was within ±0.022 seconds while on average being off by only 0.008 seconds compared to the transponder timing from a race.

We start by calcuating the distance between B & C and from B to start/finish and C to start/finish. Knowing the 3 sides of the triangle we're able to deterimine the angle of B.

The timing between points C & B is 0.1 seconds and we know the speed at points B & C. This allows us to calcuate the acceleration between points B & C. Next we can calcuate the distance from point B to when the car actually crosses the start finish line.

Finally we take the time between the first and last points of a lap and subtract the time it take for the car to travel from start/finish to point C. Finally add the time it took on the prior lap for the car to travel from start/finish to point C.

point_c |\
        | \
        |  \
        |   \
        |____\______ start/finish
        |    /
        |   /
        |  /
point_b |/

Comparison of transponder lap times vs Exit Speed lap times.

Transponder Exit Speed Deltas
1:36.530 1:36.508 0.022
1:32.029 1:32.020 0.009
1:32.149 1:32.144 0.005
1:31.832 1:31.838 0.006
1:30.893 1:30.884 0.009
1:31.422 1:31.417 0.005
1:31.500 1:31.510 0.010
1:33.516 1:33.499 0.017
1:32.415 1:32.428 0.013
1:31.665 1:31.658 0.007
1:31.075 1:31.076 0.001
1:31.271 1:31.270 0.001
1:30.932 1:30.930 0.002
1:31.504 1:31.508 0.004

Speed Deltas (LEDs)

For the fastest lap a BallTree is constructed of GPS coordinates for the lap. On the current lap each GPS point's speed is compared against the closest point of the best lap by searching the BallTree. The delta of the speed of these points are stored in a collections.deque which holds the last 10 points. If the median of the points are faster then the LEDs are set to green. If slower they're set to red.

Another way to put it is if the median speed of the last second is faster set the LEDs to green. Else red.

Earlier versions experimented with updating the LEDs more often as well as having a ratio of LEDs lit based on the size of the speed delta. But having LEDs flicker all the time can be distracting. Also GPS inaccuracies can lead to misleading results. I find it's best to glance at the LEDs on the straights.

Here is an example of the LEDs in action.

Grafana & Timescale

Initially Prometheus and InfluxDB were tested before settling on Timescale. Grafana is designed for displaying time series data which is great for live or replayed data. However that made graph lap comparisons difficult. Since Timescale is backed by PostgresSQL I was able to come up with some clever Grafana queries to overlay laps. It sounds like Grafana plans to add support for graphing none time series data in the future.

Installation & Setup


This going off memory but I believe I downloaded the u-center software from Ublox.

Then modified the following settings:

  • UBX-CFG-RATE # 10hz
  • UBX-CFG-CFG # Save the config so it persists after a power cycle.
  • TODO: Document other settings that might be usefull.

External documentation on setting the 10hz rate.

Raspberry Pi

sudo apt-get install gfortran libatlas3-base libblas-dev libgfortran5 liblapack-dev python3 pip3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you run into issues I would take a look at the travis config for pointers. Travis used to build and run unittests from a clean environment on each change and weekly.


If your setup is using a Labjack for measuring sensors you'll need to install the Exodrivers.

Examples & Usage


My current config is checked in as config.yaml. It provides mapping between inputs to point proto fields. By removing labjack: or wbo2: from the config the corresponding subprocesses are disabled.

leds: True
timescale: True
  ain0: fuel_level_voltage
  ain1: water_temp_voltage
  ain2: oil_pressure_voltage
  lambda_16: afr
  rpm_count: rpm
  user_3: tps_voltage


./ --helpfull

  --data_log_path: The directory to save data and logs.
    (default: '/home/pi/lap_logs')

  --config_path: The location of the Exit Speed config.
    (default: './config.yaml')

  --led_brightness: Percentage of how bright the LEDs are. IE 0.5 == 50%.
    (default: '0.5')
    (a number)
  --led_update_interval: Limits how often the LEDs are able to change to prevent
    excessive flickering.
    (default: '0.2')
    (a number)
  --speed_deltas: Used to smooth out GPS data.  This controls how many recent
    speed deltas are stored.  50 at 10hz means a median of the last 5 seconds is
    (default: '10')
    (an integer)

  --commit_cycle: Number of points to commit at a time.
    (default: '3')
    (an integer)
  --timescale_db_spec: Postgres URI connection string.
    (default: 'postgres://exit_speed:faster@cloud:/exit_speed')

  --cylinders: Number of cylinders in the engine.
    (default: '6')
    (an integer)
  --stoichiometric: This is used to convert the Lambda_16 bytes into an A/F
    ratio. This should be changed based on fuel.Petrol 14.7, LGP 15.5, Methanol
    6.4, Diesel 14.5
    (default: '14.7')
    (a number)


Starts Exit Speed and logs to stderr.

./ --log_dir ~/lap_logs/ --config_path=./config.yaml \

Quick and dirty way to start Exit Speed on boot is by adding the following to /etc/rc.local. You can than connect to the screen session with screen -rd.

su - pi -c "screen -S exit_speed -dm /home/pi/git/exit_speed/ \
  --log_dir ~/lap_logs/ --config_path=/home/pi/git/exit_speed/config.yaml \
  --alsologtostderr" &

Exit Speed logs points to --log_dir in files ending in .data such as The data files can be replayed which into to Timescale.

./ ~/lap_logs/2020-09-24T12\:57\ \

If --include_sleep=True is set then delays are added to mimic as if the replayed data was being recorded in real time. --include_sleep=True also tags the data as "replayed" instead of "live" and is removed by is used to reduce the number of laps stored in Timescale.

./ --max_lap_duration_ms=180000 --min_lap_duration_ms=60000


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  • Python 96.4%
  • Go 2.9%
  • Shell 0.7%