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WebbyTest is a plugin for sbt which generates nice HTML reports of tests results, with stack traces transformed into nice HTML links which are then clickable.

Clicking on the icon next to a line in the stack trace then opens the source file in your IDE if you have the Atlassian IDE Connector installed. (For background in how this works see this thread)

The idea is that we can use sbt to run/compile/test our code continuously, then we get a nice web page we can refresh (or which ideally will auto-refresh) showing a summary of errors, which we can then easily click on to see actual failures.

Building WebbyTest locally

First you need to build it locally (we'll have it hosted on a maven repo soon!)


You're local repository should now include the local build of WebbyTest

Using WebbyTest in your sbt build

First you need to create a file in project/plugins/Plugins.scala

import sbt._

class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {

  val webbytest = "org.fusesource" % "webbytest" % "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

Then in your build file in, say, project/build/MyProject.scala (call it whatever class name you like) you use the HtmlTestsProject trait

import sbt._
import webbytest.HtmlTestsProject

class MyProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with HtmlTestsProject {

Now this should generate the target/scala_XXXX/tests.html file whenever you run the tests.

If you use the continuous testing feature in sbt, your html file will refresh each time you edit source code...

~ test-quick

Using the HTML Test Report

Once you open the test reports file in your browser you should be able to expand/collapse the test classes, test cases and stack traces.

By default the failing tests are open; as they are the things you typically want to see first. Also to avoid noise the stack traces are collapsed by default.

When you expand a failing test and see a stack trace you should be able to click on the icon next to each stack trace to open the file at the line which threw the exception (assuming you have the Atlassian IDE Connector installed and the project open in your IDE).

Example project

To see an example project using WebbyTest try the scalate project project, you can get the source code here

For example to run the tests and view the HTML report try this

git clone git://
cd scalate
open scalate-core/target/scala_2.8.0.Beta1/tests.html


WebbyTest is released under the Apache 2.0 License a copy of which is included in the source as LICENSE.txt


an sbt plugin to generate HTML reports as tests run







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