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LuaDox - Lua Documentation Generator

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📘 You can find an example of LuaDox's output here

LuaDox is:

  • born out of personal frustration with LDoc which repeatedly failed to work how I expected/wanted (which is perhaps more an indictment of me than of LDoc, as LuaDox is probably also accidentally opinionated about structure)
  • an attempt to make nice looking and searchable documentation generated from code
  • written in Python, strangely enough. Python 3.8 or later is required.
  • not strictly compatible with LuaDoc or LDoc tags and not a drop-in replacement, although obviously heavily influenced by them

Markdown is used for styling, both in comments as well as standalone manual files, and inline code is implicitly resolved to linkable references (if such a reference exists). Standard markdown is supported, plus tables.

A brief example using middleclass:

--- Utility class to manipulate files.
-- @class xyz.File
-- @inherits xyz.Base
xyz.File = class('xyz.File', xyz.Base)

--- Seek constants.
-- These constants can be used with `seek()`.
-- @section seekconst
-- @compact

--- Seek from the beginning of the file.
xyz.File.static.SEEK_SET = 'set'
--- Seek from the current position.
xyz.File.static.SEEK_CUR = 'cur'
--- Seek to the end of the file.
xyz.File.static.SEEK_END = 'end'

--- Class API.
--- @section api

--- Opens a new file.
-- @example
--   f = xyz.File('/etc/passwd')
-- @tparam string name the path to the file to open
-- @tparam string|nil mode the access mode, where `r` is read-only and `w` is read-write.
--   Nil assumes `r`.
-- @treturn xyz.File a new file object
-- @display xyz.File
function xyz.File:initialize(name, mode)
    -- ...

--- Seeks within the file.
-- @tparam seekconst|nil whence position to seek from, or nil to get current position
-- @tparam number|nil offset the number of bytes relative to `whence` to seek
-- @treturn number byte position within the file
function xyz.File:seek(whence, offset)
  -- ...

And the simplest possible usage:

# Linux and OS X
luadox file.lua

# Windows
python luadox file.lua

Which assumes a bunch of defaults, one of which is that the output directory out/ is created with the rendered documentation. Obviously this and other customizations can be configured either by command line arguments and/or config file (see later).

The Basics

Documenting Elements

LuaDox ignores standard Lua comments until a block of comments begins with three dashes, which is the marker that begins a documentation block:

--- This begins a LuaDox documentation block.
-- After this point, we can use double dashes.  Anything that follows is
-- considered part of the documentation up until the next non-comment
-- line, which also includes blank lines, whereupon the block terminates.
-- Here we declare this comment to be the preamble to a module page.
-- @module mymod

The above example creates a new element (specifically a module element), which means it is a block of documentation that can be explicitly referenced. In this case, the reference name is mymod, which means elsewhere in documentation (whether in the same file or another file), this can be linked using one of 3 methods as shown below:

--- Here begins another block of documentation.
-- This one documents a function, because a function definition immediately follows
-- the comment block.
-- Also, we can link to @{mymod} like this, which converts to a hyperlink.  Or you
-- can control the link text @{mymod|so this text links to mymod}.  It's also possible
-- to use inline code markdown like this: `mymod`.
function example()


@module (along with @class, @section, and @table) are special types of elements called collections. Functions and fields that have LuaDox comment marker (i.e. ---) preceding their definitions belong to the most recently defined collection element (at least unless the @within tag is used to relocate it somewhere else). Collections show a summary table of all functions and methods, and then itemize each of them below the summary table in more detail. In the above example, the example() function would belong directly to the mymod collection.

But it's also possible to explicitly create new sections, which are visually delineated in the rendered documentation:

--- Special Functions.
-- Here we create a new section because of the `@section` tag below.  The first sentence
-- of the comment block is the heading of the section, so it should be short and sweet,
-- and it must end with a period (or some other sentence-ending punctuation like an
-- exclamation point or question mark).
-- Anything that follows is text that is included under the section heading.  And of
-- course *standard* **markdown** _is_ [supported](
-- @section specialfuncs

--- Now we're about to document a function.  The blank line just above is very important
-- as it terminates the section block, and begins a new block, which will apply to
-- the function below.
-- Now this function will appear within the Special Functions section, because that
-- was the most recent collection element defined.  (It's possible to override which
-- collection this function belongs to without changing the order in the code by
-- using the @within tag.)
function special()

@module and @class are special types of collections called top-level collections. This means they are given their own separate pages in the documentation, and also all elements they contain will have their fully qualified names to be scoped under the top-level collection.

For example, a field somefield in a @module somemodule will be fully qualified as somemodule.somefield, which is how it can be referenced from documentation outside the module. (@section is the exception here: section names are global, and it's up to you to make them globally unique if you want to be able to reference them from other pages in the documentation.)


While Lua itself doesn't have explicit classes, LuaDox formalizes terminology such that in @class collections, functions are titled as methods, while for @module or @table the term function is used.

Comment blocks preceding function definitions will add a new function to the current collection, as seen in the earlier examples. However it's also possible to define a function as an assignment:

--- This will be recognized as a function/method.
xyz.some_function = function(a, b)
   -- ...


Documentation preceding an assignment where the rvalue is not a function is treated as a field. In @class collections, fields are labeled as attributes.

Fields can be defined anywhere in code: globally, within tables, within functions, etc. As long as there is a triple-dash documentation block that immediately precedes a non-function assignment, it will be added to the current collection as a field.

--- This will be recognized as a field/attribute
a = 42

whatever = {
   --- This also works, but because "whatever" is not explicitly defined as a
   -- table using the @table tag, this value here is exactly equivalent to the
   -- above example.  In fact, LuaDox will actually log a warning here because
   -- the lvalue "a" is redefined.
   a = 42

A special case is also handled where the lvalue of the assignment is in the form self.attr = x, specifically when the lvalue is prefixed with self.. Normally the fully qualified lvalue is included in the documentation, but with self.attr the self is stripped off and the attr is registered directly within the scope of the current top-level container.

Another special case specific to middleclass is in handling static fields. When an attribute defined in a @class collection contains the string .static. then it will be stripped out.

The example below demonstrates both these special cases:

--- This class does, well, something.
-- @class xyz.Something
-- @inherits xyz.Superclass
xyz.Something = class('xyz.Superclass')

--- Here the 'static' level will be automatically removed from the attribute name.
xyz.Something.static.MYCONSTANT = 42

function xyz.Something:initialize()
    --- This is added as a field directly in the xyz.Something class.
    self.answer = 42

Note that documentation comments must immediately precede field definitions and cannot be on the same line:

--- Must precede the definition.
foo = 'bar'

-- Meanwhile ...
foo = 'bar' --- This does NOT work.

Reference Resolution

References that aren't fully qualified (such as @{this}) are resolved based on the scope where the reference was made. The resolution rules are:

  1. Search fields or functions in the current collection
  2. If the current collection is a @section or @table, search up the scope stack to the entire @class or @module
  3. Treat the reference as fully qualified, and search the global space for that exact name
  4. If the top-level collection containing the reference is a @class, then search up through the class hierarchy as established by @inherits

When referencing a function, it's fine to include parens in the reference name. For example @{foo()} or even just markdown inline code foo().


It's first important to underline that LuaDox is not LDoc. Many tags offered by LDoc are not supported, while many new tags are introduced to provide additional functionality.

Moreover, tags that do intersect between LDoc and LuaDox are not always implemented with the same syntax or semantics, often because LuaDox extends their functionality. Consequently, you can expect a bit of a mess trying to pass LDoc-annotated code through LuaDox, especially when you've delicately structured your code so as to work around the many quirks of LDoc.

Here is a summary of LuaDox tags, with more details below the table:

Tag Type Description Example
@module Top-level collection Declares a module and sets the scope for future documented elements. Modules, like all top-level types, are given separate pages in the rendered documentation. @module utils
@class Top-level collection Like @module but for classes, which are also given their own separate documentation pages. See also @inherits. @class xyz.SomeClass
@section Collection Organizes documented elements such as fields, functions, and tables into a visually distinct group with a heading and arbitrary preamble. Sections can't be nested within other sections; a @section tag always creates a new section within a top-level collection. @section utils.files
@table Nested collection Declares a new collection containing only fields (not functions like other collections), and allows nesting where field names are fully qualified based on the encapsulating table(s). In most common cases, @table isn't needed and @section will suffice. @table constants
@inherits @class modifier Indicates that the current class is subclassed from another class. This influences how references are resolved (superclasses are searched) and the rendered class page includes a visual of the class hierarchy. @inherits xyz.BaseClass
@tparam Function modifier Documents a typed parameter of the function definition that follows @tparam number|nil w the width of the image, or nil to derive it from height and aspect
@treturn Function modifier Documents a return value of the function definition that follows @treturn bool true if successful, false otherwise
@see Section modifier Adds a styled "See also" line linking to one or more space-delimited references @see ref1 ref2
@type Field modifier Documents the type of the field definition that follows @type table|nil
@meta Field modifier Documents arbitrary information for the field definition that follows @meta read/write
@within Function/field modifier Relocates the field or function to another collection while preserving its name. @within someothermodule
@order Element modifier Normally elements are documented in the order they appear in source, but @order allows changing the position of an element relative to other elements in the same rendered page. @order before somefunc
@compact Collection modifier Normally, fields and functions in a collection are shown first in summary table form and then broken out later with full documentation. @compact controls whether fields and/or functions should only show in tabular form. Useful for elements with smaller comments, such as a table of constants. Without arguments, both functions and fields will be shown in compact form, but you can specify fields or functions as an argument to compact just one of them. @compact fields
@fullnames Collection modifier Normally the table summary of fields and functions are not fully qualified, they are the unqualified short names. This tag ensures the table summary shows the fully qualified name. Commonly combined with @compact @fullnames
@display Element modifier Explicitly overrides the display name of an element, but does not affect its name for reference purposes. @display MyClass
@rename Element modifier Overrides both the display name and actual name of the element, affecting both its presentation in rendered pages as well as how the element is referenced. @rename different_function
@scope Element modifier Changes the scope of non top-level elements (i.e. functions, fields, and tables, but not classes or modules), affecting both the element's display name and reference name. A special scope . can be used to treat the element as global and will prevent its name from being qualified by the collection it belongs to. Unlike @within, the element is still documented in the same place (class or module page), but its fully qualified name will reflect the given scope name. @scope .
@alias Element modifier Adds another name by which the element can be referenced. Does not affect the display name. @alias fooconsts
@code Code block Creates a code block with Lua syntax highlighting. Any contents indented below the @code line will be included in the code block. (See below.)
@example Code block Like @code but adds an "Example" heading just above the code block (See @code)
@usage Code block Like @code but adds an "Usage" heading just above the code block (See @code)
@note Admonition block Creates a visually distinct text block, useful to highlight notable information. Contents indented below the @note tag are included in the block. Can contain nested blocks, such as code blocks or other admonitions. (See below.)
@warning Admonition block Like @note but uses a red color (See @note)
@field Element Declare a field within a collection without an explicit field assignment in Lua code. Rarely needed, and documenting field assignments is preferred and more flexible. Unlike LDoc, must follow @table. @field foo This is the description of the foo field
@{name} Reference Creates a link to the given element name, using name as the link text @{fileconsts}
@{name|display text} Reference Creates a link to the given element name, but uses display text the link text `@{fileconsts


Declares a module, which creates a separate page in the rendered documentation, and begins a new collections for all elements that follow.

While uncommon, it's possible to have multiple @module tags in a single source file, which will result in multiple pages in the documentation.

--- Common utility functions.
-- @module utils


Declares a class, which, like @module, creates a separate page in the documentation, and is a collection for subsequent elements.

See also @inherits.

--- Class to manipulate images.
-- @class xyz.Image

And also like @module, it's possible to have multiple @class tags in the same file.


Creates a new section within a @module or @class. Sections are given their own visually distinct headings, and are collections for the fields and functions that follow.

The first sentence (terminated with a period, exclamation point, or question mark) is used as the section heading. Anything past that is considered as section documentation below the heading.

The blank line(s) separating the @section block from the elements contained within the section is necessary. This is how LuaDox knows where the documentation for the section ends and the documentation for a new element (such as a field or function) begins.

--- Subclass API.
-- These functions are not strictly part of the public API, but can be used to create
-- custom subclasses.
-- @section subclassapi

--- Reset the state of the object.
function xyz.Widget:_reset()
   -- ...


Creates a new table collection, which is similar to @section but differs in three ways:

  1. Nested @table are supported, where fully qualified field names are based on the full scope of all containing tables (e.g. where foo, bar, and baz are nested tables).
  2. Only fields are shown. Functions are rendered in documentation as any other field.
  3. Unlike @section, a blank line isn't needed between the preamble documentation and fields, because LuaDox knows to terminate the preamble as soon as the table declaration begins.
-- xyz.os.
-- These fields are available immediately upon loading the `xyz` module.
-- @table xyz.os
-- @compact
xyz.os = {
    --- true if running on Mac OS X, false otherwise
    mac = (_os == 'osx'),
    --- true if running on Windows, false otherwise
    windows = (_os == 'win'),
    --- true if running on Linux, false otherwise
    linux = (_os == 'lin' or _os == 'oth'),


Used within the context of a @class block to declare that the class has been derived from some other class. The rendered HTML for the class page will include a tree showing the full class hierarchy.

The @inherits tag takes a single argument that is the name of the immediate superclass.

--- @class xyz.Subclass
-- @inherits xyz.BaseClass

Unqualified references made within the class documentation (all sections, fields, functions etc. for that class) will search for the name up the class's hierarchy. If a name is defined in both the current class and one of the superclasses, the unqualified name will refer to the current class, and a fully qualified name must be used to link to the superclass's field/function.


Defines a typed parameter for the function immediately following the comment block. The format of this tag is @tparam <types> <name> <description> where:

  • <types> is a pipe (|) delimited list of possible types, where the type name is resolved to a link if possible
  • <name> is the name of the parameter from the function signature
  • <description> is everything that follows, and which can wrap on multiple lines where subsequent lines are indented
--- Clears the window to a specific color.
-- @tparam colortype|string|nil color the color to paint the window
--    background, where nil is black
function clear(color)
    -- ...

Type names can refer to section names as well, which is a convenient way to document custom complex types such as constants and enums (or Lua approximations thereof). See the seekconst type from the example at the top of this page.


Defines a return value for the function immediately following the comment block. The format of this tag is @treturn <types> <description> where <types> and <description> are the same as that described for @tparam.

Multiple @treturn tags can be used for functions that return multiple values.

--- Return the contents of the clipboard.
-- @treturn string|nil the clipboard contents, or nil if system clipboard
--    is not available.
-- @treturn string|nil the mimetype of the clipboard contents, or nil if
--    clipboard not available.
function get_clipboard()
   -- ...


Displays a "See also" line that links to one or more references. The tag takes multiple reference names separated by one space. Function references can optionally include parens, but will always be displayed with them.

--- @see xyz.Clipboard:get() get_clipboard() xyz.SomeClass

This is slightly different from simply writing the line like "See also get_clipboard()" as it is wrapped in a div with class see that can be customized in CSS.


Used in the comment block preceding a field definition and defines the field's type. This tag takes the form @type <types> and, like @tparam and @treturn, the types argument is a pipe (|) delimited list of possible types, which will be resolved into links if possible.

Field types are shown both in the summary table as well as the full detailed field list.

--- If true, scrolling smoothly animates, while false scrolls in steps.  Nil will use the
-- global default
-- @type bool|nil
smooth_scroll = nil


Like @type, this is used in comment blocks preceding field definitions and can be used to communicate any arbitrary custom thing, however unlike @type it also works for functions. This tag takes the form @meta <anything> where <anything> is a string that is allowed to contain spaces.

The meta value is displayed alongside any defined types via @type in both the summary table as well as the detailed field list.

A useful application of @meta is to indicate whether the field/attribute in question is considered read-only or read/write as far as the API caller is concerned.

-- The "defaults" table isn't meaningful here as far as documentation is concerned.
-- This is just a regular comment, not a triple-dash documentation block, so LuaDox
-- ignores it.  Fields defined and documented inside this table are added directly
-- to the current collection.
defaults = {
   --- The current width of the window which is updated when the user resizes the window.
   -- @type number
   -- @meta read-only
   w = 640


Can be included in a documentation block preceding a function or field definition to relocate it to some other collection, while preserving the original name for display purposes. The tag takes the form @within <name> where <name> is the name of any collection, such as a @class, @module, or -- more usefully -- a @section, either in the same class or module, or some other.

This can be used to affect the location of a field or function in documentation without needing to reorder your code. If you want exact control of the location relative to other fields or functions in that collection, you can use @order.

--- Called when the widget's position needs to be recalculated.
-- @within subclassapi
function xyz.Widget:_layout()

-- ... other stuff ...

--- API available to subclasses.
-- @section subclassapi

This is a bit of a rare case, but if the collection being targeted by @within itself has a @rename tag, the collection name that @within needs to reference is the pre-renamed name of the target collection.


Affects where the element (whether field, function, table, or section) appears in the rendered documentation. This isn't used to move a field or function to another collection -- use @within for that -- but it changes the location of the element relative to its siblings in the collection.

Non top-level collections (i.e. @section and @table) can also be reordered relative to one another in the same module or class.

The tag takes the form @order <whence> [<anchor>] where <whence> is one of:

  • before: moves the element before the given (fully qualified) anchor element
  • after: moves the element after the given (fully qualified) anchor element
  • first: make the element the first one in the collection (and where <anchor> is not needed)
  • last: makes the element the last one in the collection (and where <anchor> is not needed)
--- Draws the widget.
-- @within subclassapi
-- @order after xyz.Widget:_layout
function xyz.Widget:_draw()


Collections include a summary table of fields and functions within the collection, where each element includes only the first sentence from their documentation, before enumerating the full list of elements with their full documentation blocks below the summary table.

The @compact tag is used to skip the more detailed list, showing only the tabular form. In this case, the full documentation is included in the table, not just the first sentence.

The tag takes an optional argument, either field or function that skips the full detailed list for one or the other type of element. If the argument is omitted, both fields and functions are shown only in tabular form.

See @fullnames below for a combined example.


Normally a collection's table summary of fields and functions displays the unqualified short name. This tag, which takes no arguments, causes the table view to display the fully qualified name instead.

--- Seek constants.
-- These constants can be used with `seek()`.
-- @section seekconst
-- @compact
-- @fullnames

--- Seek from the beginning of the file.
xyz.File.static.SEEK_SET = 'set'
--- Seek from the current position.
xyz.File.static.SEEK_CUR = 'cur'
--- Seek to the end of the file.
xyz.File.static.SEEK_END = 'end'


Affects how the element is displayed in documentation, but doesn't alter how the element is referenced. This tag takes the form @display <name> where <name> is the overridden display name.

One use case is to change the name of middleclass initializers, where the class is invoked directly to construct a new instance:

--- Creates a new widget with the given attributes.
-- @display xyz.Widget
function xyz.Widget:initialize(attrs)


Like @display in that it changes the element's display name in documentation, but also changes the name for references.


Element names are normally qualified based on their containing class, module, or table. For example, a field bar defined in a @class Foo would be fully qualified as However, the @scope tag can override the containing scope -- Foo in this case -- with any arbitrary symbol. This affects how the element is both displayed and how it's referenced, however doesn't change which collection the element appears in. (Use @within for that.)

The tag takes the form @scope <name> where <name> replaces the element's normal scope name. A special scope . (single dot) will treat the element as global, preventing it from being qualified by anything: the field or function will be considered as global both in how it's displayed and referenced.

--- Miscellaneous utilities.
-- @module utils

--- Normally this field would be qualified as utils.MYCONST, but this makes it appear
-- as a global value, and can be referenced elsewhere as @{MYCONST}
-- @scope .


Adds another name by which the element can be referenced elsewhere in documentation. The display name is unchanged, and the element's normal name can still be used for references. This merely adds an additional name for references.


Renders a fenced code block with syntax highlighting in the documentation. The tag takes an optional argument that dictates the syntax highlighting language, which defaults to lua when not specified.

Any commented lines indented within @code are included in the markdown code block. The code block terminates as soon as a line has less indentation than the first line under the @code tag.

--- Some function to do a thing.
-- This might be some example usage:
-- @code
--    -- This is actually a comment in the code block.
--    -- Subsequent lines indented at this level are included in the block.
--    local x = do_a_thing()
-- Now that this line is indented less than the first line under @code, this will
-- *not* be included in the code block, but will start a new paragraph underneath
-- it. The blank line separating this paragraph and the code block isn't significant,
-- only the indentation level matters.
function do_a_thing()
    -- ...


Like @code, and works exactly the same way in terms of the semantics of indendation, but adds a heading Example" above the syntax-highlighted code block.


Like @example, but the heading says "Usage" instead.


Creates a visually distinct paragraph (bordered with a green background color), which can be used to emphasize noteworthy content.

This tag takes the form @note <title> where <title> is an optional arbitrary string (which can include spaces) that acts as the title of the block. Indentation controls the contents of the block, exactly as @code works.

Nesting is possible, including (and most usefully) @code blocks which can appear within admonitions.

--- This is the start of a normal documentation block.
-- Some standard documentation content would go here.
--  @note This is the title of the block
--    Now anything indented at this level is included within the admonition paragraph.
--    That includes this line, but not the next one.
--    @code
--       -- This is a nested code block inside the note.
--       foo()
-- This line is dedented relative to the first line under @note so it starts a normal
-- paragraph at the same level as the first one.


Exactly like @note but uses a red background instead of green so is useful for warning or cautionary content.


Adds a field to the current collection purely a comment, without the need for a line of Lua code to declare and assign the field.

This tag takes the form @field <name> <description> where <name> is the name of the field and <description> is an arbitrary, single line description of the field.

--- @field level The current log level.

The above is semantically equivalent to this:

--- The current log level.
level = nil

Generally the second form above is preferred, because it allows for multiple lines and even paragraphs of comments, as well as field modifiers such as @type and @meta.

Unlike LDoc, @field must follow a @table definition:

--- Current mouse state.
-- @table mouse
-- @field x the x coordinate of the cursor
-- @field y the y coordinate of the cursor
-- @field button the current mouse button pressed

Reference tags

Reference tags are used to create hyperlinks in the rendered documentation to any element in any file. Reference tags can take either of these forms:

  1. @{name}: resolve name per the reference resolution rules described earlier, and use the fully qualified form of the reference name as the link text (even if name itself is not fully qualified)
  2. @{name|link text}: resolve name but use the given link text instead of the fully qualified name of the reference.

Although not a tag, if the contents of markdown inline code is a resolvable name, it will be rendered as a hyperlink (still with preformatted text), but unlike @{name} which uses the fully qualified form, the with inline code the hyperlink text will be as written.

Manual Pages

Arbitrarily many separate custom markdown files can be included in the rendered documentation. They are defined in the [manual] section of the config file, or can be passed using the -m or --manual command line argument.

Each document is defined in the form where id is the top-level scope name for reference purposes (see later), and also dictates the name of the rendered html file.

Consider this configuration, for example:


This will add both pages to the manual. index is a special id, which is written as the root index.html in the rendered documentation, and is also linked from the topbar on every page.

Suppose our looked like:

# Introduction

Some introductory paragraph.  By the way, images are supported:


The image is relative to the path of the current file.  It's up to you to
copy the `img/` directory to the rendered documentation output directory

## How to install

This is a preamble paragraph on installation.

### Linux

How to install on Linux ...

### OS X

How to install on a Mac ...

### Windows

Sorry about your luck ...

#### This is a level 4 heading

Nothing very interesting here.

Within the markdown, the level 1 heading dictates the title of the manual page, which is used in the Manual section of the sidebar, as well as the HTML title for the manual page. In the above example, that's "Introduction".

Level 2 and level 3 headings are included in the table of contents in the sidebar.

References and Manual Pages

The manual page id (e.g. index and tutorial in the example above) is the top-level symbol. You will want to make sure you pick an id that doesn't conflict with any @module or @class name from the documentation, as these all share the top-level namespace.

Level 1, 2, and 3 headings are names subordinate to the id, and are converted to slugs by converting everything to lowercase, removing all punctuation, and replacing spaces with underscores.

For example, index.how_to_install or index.linux. This name can be referenced from code, and also other manual pages. The @{name} and @{name|link text} reference tags are supported in manual pages as well.


LuaDox is distributed as a single binary that can be downloaded on the release page. On Linux and OS X, the binary can be executed directly:

$ luadox -c luadox.conf

But on Windows, Python must be called directly (and of course this also works on Linux and OS X):

C:\src\luadox> python luadox -c luadox.conf

luadox --help will output usage instructions:

usage: luadox [-h] [-c FILE] [-n NAME] [-o DIRNAME] [-m [ID=FILENAME [ID=FILENAME ...]]]
              [--css FILE] [--favicon FILE] [--nofollow] [--encoding CODEC] [--version]
              [FILE [FILE ...]]

positional arguments:
  [MODNAME=]FILE        List of files to parse or directories to crawl
                        with optional module name alias

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c FILE, --config FILE
                        Luadox configuration file
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Project name (default Lua Project)
  -o DIRNAME, --outdir DIRNAME
                        Directory name for rendered files, created if necessary (default ./out)
                        Add manual page in the form
  --css FILE            Custom CSS file
  --favicon FILE        Path to favicon file
  --nofollow            Disable following of require()'d files (default false)
  --encoding CODEC      Character set codec for input (default UTF-8)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

The positional [MODNAME=]FILE argument(s) defines what source files to scan. The FILE part can be either specific Lua source files, or directories within which init.lua exists. By default, LuaDox will follow and parse all files that are require()d within the code, provided the required file is discovered within any of the directories containing the files passed on the command line.

The optional MODNAME part of the argument explicitly specifies the Lua module name as require()d in code. For example, if your library is called foo and your source files are held in ../src/foo then LuaDox knows that when requiring from Lua, we should check ../src/foo/bar/baz.lua because of the matching foo component between the module name and the path.

However, if all your source files for module foo were instead contained in ../src, say, you need to tell LuaDox that requiring is actually at ../src/bar.lua. This is done by specifying MODNAME in the argument, i.e. foo=../src.

Bottom line: if your directory structure is directly named after the module name, you probably don't need to specify the MODNAME alias, but if your directory is called something else, like src, you do.

The behavior to automatically discover and parse require()d files can be disabled with the --nofollow argment or setting follow = false in the config file, in which case LuaDox will only parse files explicitly passed.

Most options can be defined on the command line, but it may be more convenient to use a config file.

Config files are ini-style files that define these sections:

  • [project] for project level settings
  • [manual] for manual pages where each page is a separate id=filename line
  • [link<n>] for user-defined custom links that appear on the center of each page, and where <n> is a number that controls the order.

Here's an annotated example luadox.conf that describes the available config properties. All properties are optional except for files (although files could also be passed on the command line if you prefer).

# Project name that is displayed on the top bar of each page
name = My Lua Project | Where Awesome Things Happen
# HTML title that is appended to every page. If not defined, name is used.
title = My Lua Project
# A list of files or directories for LuaDox to parse.  Globs are supported.
# This can be spread across multiple lines if you want, as long as the
# other lines are indented.
files = ../app/rtk/widget.lua ../app/rtk/
# The directory containing the rendered output files, which will be created
# if necessary.
outdir = html
# Path to a custom css file that will be included on every page.  This will
# be copied into the outdir.
css = custom.css
# Path to a custom favicon. This will be copied into the outdir.
favicon = img/favicon.png
# If require()d files discovered in source should also be parsed.
follow = true
# Character encoding for input files, which defaults to the current system
# locale.  Output files are always utf8.
encoding = utf8

# Custom manual pages in the form: id = filename.
# The ids must not conflict with any class or module name otherwise references
# will not properly resolve.
index =
tutorial =

icon = download
text = Download
url = {root}index.html#download

icon = github
text = GitHub
url =

Link sections are optional. Each section takes these options:

  • text (required): the link's text
  • url (required):
  • icon (optional): the name of a built-in icon, or path to a custom image file. Currently supported built-in icon names are download, github, gitlab, and bitbucket. If the value isn't one of the built-in names then it's treated as a path, where {root} will be replaced with the relative path to the document root.
  • tooltip (optional): the tooltip text that appears when the mouse hovers over the hyperlink.

User-defined links currently can't be specified on the command line, they must be defined in the config file.

Docker Image

LuaDox is also available as a Docker image on Docker Hub:

$ docker run -v ~/src/myproject:/project -w /project/doc jtackaberry/luadox luadox -c luadox.conf

Of course, that's a bit cumbersome, having to set up the volume mount and working directory, so for command line use the release binary is probably more convenient. However the Docker image can be useful when generating documentation as part of a CI/CD pipeline, such as GitHub Actions.