Interceptor and helpers to register and unregister (background-)tasks (FXs) in your app-state / app-db to list tasks and / or block single ui parts or the whole ui.
- register / unregister tasks / fxs via one line or global interceptor injection
- support multiple and any fx on-completion keys via registration
- subscriptions for tasks list and running task boolean
- running task boolean can be quick filtered by task name
- events to register / unregister tasks yourself
- helpers to register / unregister tasks into db yourself
Also works for async coeffect injections, see
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
(ns ^:figwheel-hooks jtk-dvlp.your-project
[cljs.core.async :refer [timeout]]
[jtk-dvlp.async :refer [go <!] :as a]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[reagent.dom :as rdom]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[ :as acoeffects]
[ :as tasks]))
(defn- some-async-stuff
(<! (timeout 5000))
{:some-fx #{:on-complete}
:some-other-fx #{:on-done :on-done-with-errors}})
(rf/reg-fx :some-fx
(fn [{:keys [on-complete] :as x}]
(println ":some-fx" x)
(let [result (<! (some-async-stuff))]
(println ":some-fx finished")
(rf/dispatch (conj on-complete result))))))
(rf/reg-fx :some-other-fx
(fn [{:keys [bad-data on-done on-done-with-errors] :as x}]
(println ":some-other-fx" x)
(when bad-data
(throw (ex-info "bad data" {:code :bad-data})))
(let [result (<! (some-async-stuff))]
(rf/dispatch (conj on-done result)))
(catch :default e
(println ":some-other-fx error" e)
(rf/dispatch (conj on-done-with-errors e)))
(println ":some-other-fx finished"))))))
(acoeffects/reg-acofx :some-acofx
(fn [cofxs & [bad-data :as args]]
(println ":some-acofx")
(when bad-data
(throw (ex-info "bad data" {:code :bad-data})))
(let [result
(->> args
(apply some-async-stuff)
(assoc cofxs :some-acofx))]
(println ":some-acofx finished")
(rf/reg-event-fx :some-event
;; give it a name and the fxs to monitor
[(tasks/as-task :some-task [:some-fx [:fx 1]])
;; supports async coeffects
(acoeffects/inject-acofx :some-acofx)]
(fn [_ _]
(println "handler")
{;; modify your task via fx
{:this-is-some-task :data}
{:on-success [:some-event-success]
:on-error [:some-event-error]
:on-complete [:some-event-completed]
{:on-done [:some-other-event-completed]
{:on-success [:some-event-success]
:on-error [:some-event-error]
:on-complete [:some-event-completed]
;; monitored fx referenced via path [:fx 1]
{:on-done [:some-other-event-completed]}]]}))
;; error case, error within async coeffect
(rf/reg-event-fx :some-bad-event
[(tasks/as-task :some-task [:some-fx :some-other-fx])
(acoeffects/inject-acofx [:some-acofx :bad-data])]
(fn [_ _]
(println "handler")
{:on-success [:some-event-success]
:on-error [:some-event-error]
:on-complete [:some-event-completed]
{:on-done [:some-other-event-completed]
;; error case, error within effect
(rf/reg-event-fx :some-other-bad-event
[(tasks/as-task :some-task [:some-fx :some-other-fx])
(acoeffects/inject-acofx :some-acofx)]
(fn [_ _]
(println "handler")
{:on-success [:some-event-success]
:on-error [:some-event-error]
:on-complete [:some-event-completed]
{:bad-data true
:on-done [:some-other-event-completed]
(rf/reg-event-db :some-event-completed
(fn [db _]
(rf/reg-event-db :some-other-event-completed
(fn [db _]
(defn app-view
(let [block-ui?
(rf/subscribe [])
(rf/subscribe [])]
(fn []
[:p "open developer tools console for more infos."]
[:button {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:some-event])}
"exec some event"]
[:button {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:some-bad-event])}
"exec some bad event"]
[:button {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:some-other-bad-event])}
"exec some other bad event"]
[:ul "task list " (count @tasks)
;; task is a map of `::tasks/id`, `:name`, `:event and the
;; data you carry via `::task` fx from within the event
(for [{:keys [::tasks/id] :as task} @tasks]
^{:key id}
[:li [:pre (with-out-str (cljs.pprint/pprint task))]])]
(when @block-ui?
[:div "this div blocks the UI if there are running tasks"])])))
I´d be thankful to receive patches, comments and constructive criticism.
Hope the package is useful :-)