You need to have node and postgres
git clone
cd dogewand
npm install
npm install -g gulp
Fill in config/config.js
using config/config.example.js
as a guide. You're going to have to create Facebook and Reddit apps, and put their credentials in here. We should probably implement local auth at some point for testing purposes. You also need to create the databases dogewand
and dogewand-test
gulp build
gulp watch
migrations/migrate 001
node server.js
You'll need to browse to https://localhost:3700
(or whatever you put in config.js
) and accept the self signed ssl cert.
It's easiest to work with the bookmarklet as a chrome extension. It will make your life easier if you use something like extension reloader.
ansible-playbook ansible/site.yml -i ansible/hosts --private-key ~/.ssh/Tok -vvv