This generates
- an update zip that flashes a debuggable boot image and a su binary to a OnePlus One. (full)
- an update zip that flashes a su binary integrating with the Superuser in CM settings that ignores the ro.debuggable settings. (light)
Item | Full | Light |
Integrated in settings | Yes | Yes |
Has boot.img | Yes | No |
adb root | Yes | No |
Make sure to initialize and update the submodules first. Then run
make full to build the update zip with a boot.img
make light to build the update zip without a boot.img
This will also try to upload the resulting binaries to my page which will fail.
This project is in no way affiliated or endorsed by Cyanogen, Inc. or OnePlus.
The files in signapk/ are part of the Android Open Source Project.
Files: zip-base/META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary
Origin: CM11S, AOSP
The file is probably part of AOSP as well. It was taken from the CM 11S
update zip.
Files: zip-base/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
Origin: CM11, CM11S
These files are derived from the official 11S firmware update zip and the CM11
M8 update zip. The derived parts consist only of a few lines and are most
likely not protected by copyright.
Files: zip-base/system/xbin/su
Origin: CM11 M8
Extracted from CyanogenMod 11 M8
The boot image shipped in the full zip file is the debuggable boot image shipped by CyanogenMod. You can find the source for the kernel contained in it:
All other files are Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Julian Andres Klode and licensed under the terms of the Apache license, version 2.0.