- AWS Cli installed and login to AWS account
- Terraform installed
- Go to scripts folder
- Create bucket using this command, Please type unique name for bucket
- Build, zip, and upload code to S3 using this command. You can take a look code inside lambda-go folder. Script will ask you to type version, just type e.g. "1.0.0"
- Create lambda and api gateway using this command. Script will ask you type for version, pleaset type version you create in step number 2 "1.0.0"
- Access your code in terraform output, base_url
- Go to scripts folder
- Update main.go inside lambda-go folder line 17 "Hello" to "Hello Ludes"
message := fmt.Sprintf(" { \"Message\" : \"Hello %s \" } ", name)
- Build, zip, and upload code to S3 using this command. You can take a look code inside lambda-go folder. Script will ask you to type version, you can change your version with another tag e.g. "1.0.1"
- Create lambda and api gateway using this command. Script will ask you type for version, pleaset type version you create in step number 2 "1.0.1"
- Access your code in terraform output, base_url
- Go to scripts folder
- To delete s3 type command below
- To delete lambda + api gateway type command below