Real-time camera stream for Raspberry Pi, in the browser (written in Go).
Main features:
- Simple setup and minimal configuration: connect a camera to your Raspberry Pi and start the server in one simple command with Docker
- Secure HTTPs with Let's Encrypt certificates and Google OAuth authentication
- Connect a camera to your Raspberry Pi, e.g.
- Download and install
(see - Download and install
(see - Create Google OAuth Client ID credentials (see, specifying the private (typically
) or public domains of your server
First, setup the environment:
$ cd rpi-webcam-lite/
$ export OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="<your_google_oauth_client_id>"
$ export ACCOUNTS_FILE_PATH=</path/to/accounts/file>
$ export DOMAIN=<your_domain_name> # Not required if started if service started in dev mode (--dev)
$ echo "<your_trusted_google_account>" > $ACCOUNTS_FILE_PATH
Then, to start the server:
$ docker-compose up
Open your browser and enjoy! (don't forget to forward the server's port)
Alternatively, the full docker run
commands is:
$ docker run -p 4443:4443 -p 4444:4444 -v $ACCOUNTS_FILE_PATH:/app/accounts:ro --device /dev/video0:/dev/video0 -e OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=$OAUTH_CLIENT_ID rpi-webcam --accounts /app/accounts --domain $DOMAIN
In development mode (i.e. directly running the server on localhost
, without Let's Encrypt certificates), run:
$ docker run -p 4443:4443 -p 4444:4444 -v $ACCOUNTS_FILE_PATH:/app/accounts:ro --device /dev/video0:/dev/video0 -e OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=$OAUTH_CLIENT_ID rpi-webcam --accounts /app/accounts --dev
$ ./rpi-webcam --help
Usage of ./rpi-webcam:
-accounts string
Path to accounts file (default "accounts")
Development mode, using self-signed certificate instead of Let\'s Encrypt (expects server cert/key in certs/ folder)
-domain string
Domain name of the service
Disable OAuth auth (Warning: Use with caution!)
-port int
Port to listen on (default 4443)
-video string
Path to video device (default "/dev/video0")
First, clone this repository, then:
$ cd rpi-webcam/
$ docker build -t rpi-webcam .
- Reduce Docker image size
- WebRTC
- Motion detection