This is a project to track the manhwa comics I read. Current website link
- Spring Boot framework
- Thymeleaf templating
- Postgresql database
- Docker image hosing on
Create the Postgres user with the command below. Initially sillybillie
was the dev password. Use whatever you want locally.
sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive --password comicadmin
Create the db with the following command. This also makes comicadmin
the db owner.
sudo -u postgres createdb comicdb -O comicadmin
The database, using the default profile, is initialised via JPA/Hibernate and import.sql
is used to populate initial data. Running with the dev profile doesn't trigger the initialisation. There is a Gradle task for this: bootRunDev
. Reference link
Run ./gradlew bootRun
to setup or clear the database. Run ./gradle bootRunDev
if you want to keep data.
ngrok can be used to create a link if browser simulation is not enough. Make sure the ports match the local ports. Current port is set to 8080.
ngrok http 8080
Build Docker image with: ./gradlew bootBuildImage
Initialise app with: flyctl launch --no-deploy --local-only --image reik/comicreading
Deploy with: flyctl deploy --local-only --image reik/comicreading
Connect to Fly Postgres with: fly postgres connect -a <postgres-app-name> generates a database url the JDBC doesn't like. Reformat the url and set the secrets so the correct url can be formed from environment variables.
flyctl secrets set DB_USERNAME=<put stuff here>
flyctl secrets set DB_PASSWORD=<put stuff here>
flyctl secrets set JDBC_DATASOURCE_URL=<put stuff here>