Trading strategy for the Freqtrade crypto bot. For backtesting results, check out the comments in the individual commit page.
If you plan to only clone the repository to use the strategy, a regular git clone
will do.
However, if you plan on running additional strategies or run the test suite, you need to run tools/
Add strategies to the user_data/strategies folder and also in the docker-compose.yml file at strategy-list
add your strategy in the list.
[Additional Information : NFINext is a older strategy on 5m tf , NFI-NG is a 15m tf strategy abandoned mid development , NFIX is the currently developed strategy (a rework of NG on 5m tf)]
For optimal performance, suggested to use between 4 and 6 open trades, with unlimited stake.
A pairlist with 40 to 80 pairs. Volume pairlist works well.
Prefer stable coin (USDT, BUSD etc) pairs, instead of BTC or ETH pairs.
Highly recommended to blacklist leveraged tokens (*BULL, *BEAR, *UP, *DOWN etc).
Ensure that you don't override any variables in you config.json. Especially the timeframe (must be 5m).
must set to true (or not set at all).exit_profit_only
must set to false (or not set at all).ignore_roi_if_entry_signal
must set to true (or not set at all).
In case you want to have SOME of the trades to only be sold when on profit, add a file named "nfi-hold-trades.json" in your user_data/
The contents should be similar to:
{"trade_ids": [1, 3, 7], "profit_ratio": 0.005}
Or, for individual profit ratios (Notice the trade ID's as strings):
{"trade_ids": {"1": 0.001, "3": -0.005, "7": 0.05}}
is a list of integers, the trade ID's, which you can get from the logs or from the output of the telegram/status
command.- Regardless of the defined profit ratio(s), the strategy MUST still produce a SELL signal for the HOLD support logic to run, which is to say, the trade will sell only if there's a proper sell signal AND the profit target has been reached.
- This feature can be completely disabled by changing
hold_support_enabled = True
to false in the strategy file.
In case you want to have some pairs to always be on held until a specific profit, using the same "nfi-hold-trades.json" file add something like:
{"trade_pairs": {"BTC/USDT": 0.001, "ETH/USDT": -0.005}}
It is also valid to include specific trades and pairs on the holds file, for example:
{"trade_ids": {"1": 0.001}, "trade_pairs": {"BTC/USDT": 0.001}}
Absolutely not required. However, will be accepted as a token of appreciation.
ETH (ERC20):
BEP20/BSC (USDT, ETH, BNB, ...):
Patreon :
If you like to help, you can also use the following links to # to various exchanges:
- Binance: (20% discount on trading fees)
- Kucoin: (20% lifetime discount on trading fees)
- (20% lifetime discount on trading fees)
- OKX: (20% discount on trading fees)
- MEXC: (10% discount on trading fees)
- ByBit:
- Bitget: (lifetime 20% rebate all & 10% discount on spot fees)
- HTX: (Welcome Bonus worth 241 USDT upon completion of a deposit and trade)
- Bitvavo: (no fees for the first € 1000)
This is where we chat, hangout and contribute as a community (both links is the same server)