Justice-Hub is an initiative from CivicDataLab in collaboration with Agami. The hub initiated as part of the Agami data challenge -2019. Justice Hub is a collaborative data platform that focuses on legal and justice related datasets and other resources. Our objective is to build a common platform for members of the legal data and tech community (civil society organizations, researchers, journalists, law firms etc.) to share, build and collaborate on the common resources. Read more here ..
Also, check the reading list we're curating, to know more about the project.
- JH Infra - Infrastructure automation for Justice hub platform.
- JH backend - Data pipeline / Adhoc scripts/ documentation etc..
- JH frontend - UI customizations for CKAN.
- JH CKAN plugins - Custom CKAN plugins required for Justice hub
- JusticeHub - Master for all the repositories. Host high-level documentation and point to documentation from various repositories.
- Jh Design - house our design process documents and other design related stuff.
Note: Please check the individual repositories for information on features, setup processes and more.
If you want to contribute to JusticeHub Infra, be sure to review the contribution guidelines. This project adheres to JusticeHub's code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
We use GitHub issues for tracking requests and bugs.
To contact the team behind JusticeHub, please write to judiciary@civicdatalab.in