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This document contains lists and recordings of all features implented in the project.
My application adds new features such as additional movie details, mobile friendly view, interaction animations, and more! My goal with this project was to create a simple to use platform that also felt fluid to use.
- Additional movie details modal
- Animations, loading states, and empty states
- Load more function
- Nomination list collapses behind modal on mobile view
- Nominations persisting on reload
- Landing and summary pages
- React
- Netlify, for hosting
- Cloudfront + S3, for CDN & Asset Store
- Figma, for mockups and planning - See Mockup
- Shopify Polaris, for components & layout
- Framer Motion API, for animations
- React Icons, for icons
- React Router, for navigation
- Axios, for API requests
This shows information such as actors, directors, a plot summary, and even movie posters
General interaction animations and design considerations for the application
Allows the user to load more movie results once they scroll to the bottom of the page
Collapses the nomination list for mobile screens
Built a flexible erorr handling system using react hooks
Saves the nomination list in localStorage
to allow the user to reload the page. Also takes advantage of the notification system to tell the user that there was saved data.
- I stored the data in plain text as this was simple data, however if it was sensitive data, I would've used
Presents the user's nominations with their posters
If I had more time, I would like to try creating a system to store nominations. By creating a database and saving everyone's nominations, I could then create the aggregation service to pull insights and tally up the results. I would also want to look into combining API calls or creating some sort of cache as there is a daily limit.