You can clone this repo, and install this directly as a python package instead of using the one off of the main repo. The is changed to support arm64 vs the main repo. You will need to specify the compute type and language.
cd whisperx
pip3 install .
whisperx input.mp3 --compute_type int8 --language en
Build Command:
docker build -t whisperx_image .
(In mine the docker image is named justinwlin/whisperxmac:1.0) This mounts your current working directory + then runs the whisperx command on the input.mp3 file
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app justinwlin/whisperxmac:1.0 /bin/bash
whisperx input.mp3 --compute_type int8 --language en
whisperx output.mp3 --compute_type int8 --language en --highlight_words True
I'm using Depot to build my Dockerfile, to build for mac / arm64:
depot build -t whisperx_image . --platform linux/arm64 --load
WhisperX doesn't run on mac due to upgrading a dependency to a version that doesn't support mac. pyannote/pyannote-audio#1505
WhisperX Issue: m-bain/whisperX#499