The Solana Volume Bot is a sophisticated automation tool designed to facilitate the distribution of SOL across multiple wallets and execute concurrent buy and sell swap transactions on the Raydium and Meteora decentralized exchanges. By leveraging the power of the Solana blockchain, this bot enables high-efficiency operations, ensuring fast and seamless transactions.
⚡Automated SOL Distribution
Automates the process of distributing SOL to newly created wallets for efficient fund allocation.
🎯Endless Buy and Sell Swaps
Executes buy and sell swap transactions concurrently on Raydium and Meteora, ensuring continuous trading activity.
🔍Configurable Parameters
Customize transaction settings including buy amounts, intervals, distribution configurations, and more, to tailor the bot’s performance to your specific needs.
🚀Massive Buy Mode
Configures multiple wallets to carry out large-scale buy operations, increasing trading volume and flexibility.
🛒Sell Mode
Gradually sells tokens from all sub-wallets through incremental transactions to avoid large market impacts.
⚙️Token Pair Settings
Set token mints and pool IDs for swap operations, providing full control over which assets are traded.
🖥️Logging and Monitoring
Provides adjustable logging levels for improved monitoring, debugging, and performance tracking during operation.
The bot uses the following environment variables, which should be defined in a .env
PRIVATE_KEY= # Private key for the main wallet
RPC_ENDPOINT= # RPC endpoint for Solana
RPC_WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT= # RPC WebSocket endpoint for Solana
####### BUY SETTING #######
IS_RANDOM=true # Enable random buy amounts
DISTRIBUTION_AMOUNT=0.01 # Amount of SOL to distribute to each wallet
BUY_AMOUNT=0.01 # Fixed buy amount
BUY_UPPER_AMOUNT=0.002 # Upper limit for random buy amount
BUY_LOWER_AMOUNT=0.001 # Lower limit for random buy amount
BUY_INTERVAL_MAX=2000 # Maximum interval between buys in milliseconds
BUY_INTERVAL_MIN=4000 # Minimum interval between buys in milliseconds
CHECK_BAL_INTERVAL=3000 # Interval to check wallet balances in milliseconds
DISTRIBUTE_WALLET_NUM=8 # Number of wallets to distribute SOL to
SWAP_ROUTING=true # Enable swap routing
###### FOR MASSIVE BUY #####
WALLET_NUM=8 # Number of wallets for massive buy operations
########## FOR SELL MODE ##########
SELL_ALL_BY_TIMES=20 # Number of times to sell all tokens in sub-wallets gradually
SELL_PERCENT=100 # Percentage of tokens to sell from the main wallet
TOKEN_MINT=6VbEGuqwhjdgV9NxhMhvRkrFqXVNk53CvD7hK3C3yQS9 # Token mint address
POOL_ID=null # Pool ID for the token pair
TX_FEE=10 # Transaction fee
ADDITIONAL_FEE=0.006 # Additional fee (should be larger than 0.006 SOL)
JITO_KEY= # Jito key
JITO_FEE=120000 # Jito fee # Block engine URL
###### GENERAL SETTING ######
LOG_LEVEL=info # Logging level (info, debug, error)
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Configure the environment variables
Rename the .env.copy file to .env and set RPC and WSS, main keypair's secret key, and Jito auth keypair.
- Run the bot
npm start
If you have any questions or want a more customized app for specific use cases, don't hesitate to get in touch with me to the contacts below.
- E-Mail:
- Telegram: @bettyjk_0915