V2.0: 01/10/2014 David Palomo's B.Sc. Thesis
V1.0: 22/10/2013 Javier V. Gómez
Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution, Share-Alike
The main purpose of this code is educational and focused on academic research. It is not optimized, its documentation can be poor and it is not bug-free at all. Because of this, it is given without any warranty.
If you find any bug or have any feature request, please let me know by contacting me (javvgomez at or by any other method described in my website
This code requires the Gabriel Peyré's Fast Marching Toolbox to be installed and included in the Matlab path. Instructions about getting, compiling and setting this toolbox can be found in:
To run this program you need matlab. Open the guide:
and then open FM2app.fig file and press the play button (ctrl+T).
Data is structured as follows:
- Algorithms: Main FM2 algorithms, this is the most important part of the code. It is ready to be used out of the Matlab GUI.
- Examples: ready-to-run Matlab functions using the main algorithms in Algorithms/ to show their use without the GUI.
- Data: maps and useful data to test the algorithms.
- fm2tools: auxiliar functions of common use together with FM2 code.
- guitools: scripts which help to make clear the FM2app.m code.
- output: default folder when saving files.
- thridparty: Matlab scripts and toolboxes got from Note that these files have a different license: BSD license.
The workspace MAT file saved has the following variables:
fm2F : MxN double variable representing the velocities map. It should be between 0 and 1.
fm2T: MxN double variable representing the times-of-arrival map. It goes from 0 to 1.
fm2map: MxN logical variable representing the binary occupancy grid map of the environment.
fm2path: 2xP points representing the path from the start to the goal point.
fm2sat: double scalar, saturation value used when computing fm2F.
fm2times: double scalar, fm2times(1) is the time employed to compute fm2F, fm2times(2) is the time employed to compute fm2T and path.
fm2vels: 2x100 vector containing relative velocity for 100 waypoints of the original path and the index of the waypoint within the initial path.
fm2start_point: 2x1 uint which contains the start point of the computed path in [X,Y] which corresponds to [COL, ROW]!!
fm2goal_point: 2x1 uint which contains the goal point of the computed path in [X,Y] which corresponds to [COL, ROW]!!
- Figures saved do not look as they should (gray margins, not centered, etc).