Virtual GUI for controlling the Altera DE2-115 board.
The program will generate signals for serial communication.
Also included in the repository files are implementations of an input signal multiplexer via Arduino Uno and a Verilog sample module using the board's 14-pin connector.
- python 3
- tkinter
- serial
Note: the python3
command may be named just python
in your environment.
To list only one specific device, change the constant DEFAULT_DEVICE
to the name of the port in "/dev/ttyXXXX"
format. Determine XXXX
by running dmesg | grep tty
To determine a default camera device modify the launch_camera()
function to launch guvcview -d /dev/videoX
. Determine X
by running v4l2-ctl --list-devices
python3 -m PyInstaller --onefile --add-data "img/:img/"
- Button and switch GUI
- Basic button press functions
- Power switch with a 30 second press interval
- Press and release bindings for the push buttons
- Event receiver on the FPGA
- Encode signal events on Arduino
- Connect GUI to Arduino
- Timer for turning off and cooling FPGA