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Releases: jwblangley/PicturePixels

3.0.0 - Random target evaluation order

20 Apr 01:29
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This release achieves better results by matching the target tiles with input tiles in a random order. This avoids the output appearing blocky and also ensures that the quality of the match is distributed randomly over the whole image, instead of decreasing from top left to bottom right.

Furthermore, this release removes an attempt at a parallel implementation of nearest neighbours matching, since it was incorrect. This now finally means that the number of duplicates is properly enforced and also that the algorithm produces better results as it does not make mistakes due to race conditions.

2.1.1 - Properly enforced number of duplicates

19 Apr 16:40
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Previously, due to a race condition, it was possible for number of times a tile was duplicated to exceed the max number of duplicates specified. In this release, this has been fixed.

This occurred due to using non-atomic methods on atomic objects.

2.1.0 - nogui

17 Apr 20:03
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This release brings the command line (nogui) usage of this application

Usage: java [-Xmx4g] -jar PicturePixels.jar nogui run|info <target image> <input directory> <number of duplicates allowed> <number of subtiles> <subtile match size> <tile render size> <output file>

2.0.0 - JavaFX

12 Apr 16:41
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This release brings a UI overhaul with full JavaFX as well as much better software engineering principles within the code

1.0.0 - Initial Release

01 Apr 12:35
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Reset progress bar string on rerun

Also enable the use of parallel nearest neighbour