This is an Azure Function application that creates an authorization service which utilizes ABAC and PBAC principals to grant access to various microservices.
The overall architecture includes APIM, Azure Functions, Azure SQL Database, Cosmos Database and Azure Active Directory components.
More information about each component exists as PolicyManager, CustomerData and OrderData
- Clone the repository
- Open the ApiExampleProject\ApiExampleProject.sln file with Visual Studio
- Right click the API you'd wish to run locally (PolicyManager, CustomerData, OrderData) and select "Set as Startup Project"
- Open the ApiExampleProject\ApiExampleProject.sln file with Visual Studio
- Right click the API you'd wish to run locally (PolicyManager, CustomerData, OrderData) and select "Set as Startup Project"
pushd src
dotnet build ApiExampleProject.sln
cd src/Authorization/PolicyManager/
dotnet run PolicyManager
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