Learning repo for playing with Rust by reimplementing common Unix CLI examples
Heavily inspired and borrowing from:
- Command-Line Rust by Ken Youens-Clark
- Command line apps in Rust
- I started with: Programming Rust, 2nd edition by Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff, Leonora F. S. Tindall
- My mind didn't fully grok what I read, I took a break of a few months and forgot most.
- Started back up and this time I read the official Rust lang book: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/
- I bought the printed copy from Nostarch press: The Rust Programming Language
- This helped me, glad I read it
- I bought the printed copy from Nostarch press: The Rust Programming Language
- Did several small exercises from https://exercism.org/tracks/rust
- Began doing the CLI projects from: Command-Line Rust by Ken Youens-Clark
- I loved this book, it's been exactly what I needed at this beginning stage, I understand basics of Rust but I need practical exercises so I can begin to "think in Rust".
- Highly Recommend this book
- I loved this book, it's been exactly what I needed at this beginning stage, I understand basics of Rust but I need practical exercises so I can begin to "think in Rust".
is used for command line argument parsing- I'm experimenting with the Derive usage opposed to Builder for most of the examples
: Simple Grep example from: https://rust-cli.github.io/book/tutorial/index.htmlechor
: Reimplementation of Unix echocatr
: Reimplementation of Unix catheadr
: Reimplementation of Unix head
to enable debugging with Rust -
Enabled format on save via settings.json
"[rust]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "rust-lang.rust-analyzer", "editor.formatOnSave": true },
I ran into a desire to see the implementation of external crates and wasn't able to 'go to implementation' with VSCode so began to add Intelli-J with the Rust plugin to my editor tools
- https://intellij-rust.github.io/
- Enabled 'external linter' and allowed cargo check on the fly
- Enabled rustfmt to run on save and be the formatter
- Configured to open files with single click: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11736355/how-to-set-single-clicking-to-open-file-in-intellij-idea