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Collaborative coding online judge system built with AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Redis, Nginx, etc

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  • Technologies:
  1. AngularJS
  2. NodeJS
  3. SocketIO
  4. ACE editor API
  5. Autho0
  6. Redis
  7. MongoDB
  8. Docker
  9. Flask
  10. Nginx
  11. RESTful API
  12. JavaScript
  13. Python
  • How-To:
  1. How to start Nginx server: sudo nginx -s signal

    signal: stop - fast shutdown quit - graceful shutdown reload - reloading the configuration file reopen - reopening the log files

  2. Copy configuration files from 'sites-available' to 'sites-enabled': ln -s ../sites-available/example ./example

  3. Change hosts file: cat /etc/hosts

  4. Install nginx by homebrew brew install nginx

  5. To run the program: a. Go to oj-client folder: run 'ng build -watch' b. Go to oj-server folder: run 'nodemon server.js' c. Go to redis-3.2.9 2/src/: run 'redis-server'

  6. Installed node-rest-client: node i --save node-rest-client To make the oj-server as a client that can sent rest requests

  7. Installed flask: sudo pip install --upgrade pip sudo pip install flask

  8. To run flask server: python

  9. docker: docker ps -a docker images stop all containers: docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) remove all containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) build: sudo docker build . -t jylock/cs503_1703 login: docker login push: docker push jylock/cs503_1703 pull: docker pull jylock/cs503_1703 delete all images: docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)

  10. install docker so that python can communicate with docker, just like nodejs communicate with reddis sudo pip install docker

  11. Need to have oj-client, oj-server, executor_server, redis, and nginx running simutaneously