Jazz is a lightweight data processing framework, including a web server. It provides data persistence and computation capabilities accessible through a REST API.
Jazz started as a research project on fast data processing servers led by Santiago Basaldúa at BBVA Data & Analytics that evolved into an analytical web server. In December 2017 the source code of the server and the R client was released under an Apache 2.0 license.
Jazz version 0.1.7 is the project released by BBVA, Jazz 0.2.x was the transition to a new architecture while keeping the server functionally equivalent to the original.
Special thanks to Roberto Maestre and Israel Herraiz who have been discussing the idea giving valuable feedback since the beginning, the members of the BBVA Software Engineering Core, especially Manuel Valdés and César de Pablo, for their feedback, the BBVA Data and Open Innovation Platforms team, especially Óscar Tomás and Ángel Puerto, for the hardware and their feedback, Jose Antonio Rodriguez who organized the initial presentation to the UI team, as well as BBVA labs for their feedback and help with the OSS release.
Jazz version 0.5.1 is first complete release of the new architecture.
Jazz version 0.5.3 is the version released with The Tangle.
Jazz version 0.6.1 is Bebop development.
The development repositories:
The documentation: