Propositional logic theorems and proofs written in Python. You can verify these proofs with Pyright. Please note that you cannot use mypy as it passes invalid proofs.
Install Pylance plugin and set type checking mode to "basic" at Settings > Python > Type Cheking Mode. Then, open proof files and if you don't see any type error, proofs are correct.
Install Pyright and run type check on proof files.
$ pip install pyright
$ pyright
No configuration file found.
No pyproject.toml file found.
stubPath /Users/kaicho8636/Projects/provingPython/typings is not a valid directory.
Assuming Python platform Darwin
Searching for source files
Found 1 source file
pyright 1.1.267
0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 informations
Completed in 0.97sec