🔭 I’m currently working on becoming a Java Pro
🌱 I’m currently learning Spring Framework, Spring Boot
💬 Ask me about anything
I'm a dynamic and adaptable professional transitioning into the multifaceted world of software development. With a background in PR and web design, I bring exceptional social skills, empathy, and commitment to every project. I thrive in fast-paced environments and have a knack for quick learning.
Currently, I'm diving deep into a more-than-one-year Java training program with DCI, clocking in a total of 1800 hours of remote classes. My focus is on mastering an array of topics:
- Java 21: JVM | TDD | JUnit
- Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism | Inheritance | Encapsulation
- Functional Programming: Lambda Expressions
- Data Structures: Array | List | Set | Map
- Concurrency: Thread Pools | Synchronizers | Multithreading | Synchronize Blocks | Volatile variables
- Build Tools: Maven | Gradle
- IDE: Eclipse | Intellij Community | Intellij Ultimate
- Database: SQL | MySQL | PostgreSQL | JDBC
- Spring Framework: Core | Boot | DATA JPA | ORM | Hibernate | SpringWeb | Security | Test
- API Development: Consume Create | Spring Rest | Postman | OpenAPI | Swagger
- Cloud Computing: AWS | EC2 | RDS | S3 | GCP | AppEngine | BigQuery | Cloud Storage
- Agile Methodology: Scrum