I am an Executive Director of Software at JP Morgan (Director of UI Experience, Checkout), co-founder of Hova Labs, give TEDMED talks and am a professional violinist π.
My current interests and work includes all things:
- AI
- Design Systems
- Internationalization
- Frontend Accessibility
- Deductive Component Language
- Typescript
- React.js
- React Remix
- Next.js
- GraphQL / Apollo
- Figma
- Storybook
- The Hovalin: A 3D printed violin aimed at saving underfunded music programs through STEAM.
- Vote By Address: A 2020 presidential election voting information resource using Google Civic Information API.
- The Synesthesia Network: A nexus for synesthetes and researchers of synesthesia.
I enjoy giving talks on lot of topics that include:
- AI
- Design Systems
- Frontend best practices
- Synesthesia
- What motivates us
The best way to reach out to me is by email at kaitlyn@hovalabs.com.
My Website / LinkedIn / Twitter / Instagram / kaitlyn@hovalabs.com
Note: I'm a remote engineer forever and ever and ever...and ever.