Literature review and research planning on my research topic:
- Literature review.pdf
- Research_Plan.pdf
Research topic: Prediction of voting decisions of institutional shareholders toward nominees for director based on proxy reports guided by policy
- Identification of research question
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While there have been some researches to predict political election results or select directors based on performance, there has been no attempt yet to predict the election of board of directors. While there are many factors affecting directors' election, the decision of institutional shareholders plays a significant role since their voting shares take a large portion of the total.
The aim of this paper is to review related literature to provide meaningful approach in prediction of voting decisions of institutional shareholders toward nominees for directors (hereafter called " directors "). More specifically, we will consider this problem as text classification, where the input is the texts of proxy reports and output is binary label, which is the voting decision (For/Against) of institutional shareholders. First, we are going to look at the limitation of applying existing approach in this problem. And we will study how to represent information of proxy reports hierarchically. Finally, in order to reinforce the deficiency of the inference, ontology-based model will be introduced.