This library allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid using PHP.
Licensed under the MIT License.
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SendGrid provides two methods of sending email: the Web API, and SMTP API. SendGrid recommends using the SMTP API for sending emails. For an explanation of the benefits of each, refer to
This library implements a common interface to make it very easy to use either API.
Before we begin using the library, its important to understand a few things about the library architecture...
The SendGrid Mail object is the means of setting mail data. In general, data can be set in three ways for most elements:
- set - reset the data, and initialize it to the given element. This will destroy previous data
- set (List) - for array based elements, we provide a way of passing the entire array in at once. This will also destroy previous data.
- add - append data to the list of elements.
Sending an email is as simple as :
- Creating a SendGrid Instance
- Creating a SendGrid Mail object, and setting its data
- Sending the mail using either SMTP API or Web API.
To begin using this library, you must first include it
include 'path/to/sendgrid-php/SendGrid_loader.php';
Then, initialize the SendGrid object with your SendGrid credentials
$sendgrid = new SendGrid('username', 'password');
Create a new SendGrid Mail object and add your message details
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
setSubject('Subject goes here')->
setText('Hello World!')->
setHtml('<strong>Hello World!</strong>');
Send it using the API of your choice (SMTP or Web)
Categories are used to group email statistics provided by SendGrid.
To use a category, simply set the category name. Note: there is a maximum of 10 categories per email.
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
addCategory("Category 1")->
addCategory("Category 2");
Attachments are currently file based only, with future plans for an in memory implementation as well.
File attachments are limited to 7 MB per file.
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
Substitutions can be used to customize multi-recipient emails, and tailor them for the user
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
setHtml("Hey %name%, we've seen that you've been gone for a while")->
addSubstitution("%name%", array("John", "Harry", "Bob"));
Sections can be used to further customize messages for the end users. A section is only useful in conjunction with a substition value.
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
setHtml("Hey %name%, you work at %place%")->
addSubstitution("%name%", array("John", "Harry", "Bob"))->
addSubstitution("%place%", array("%office%", "%office%", "%home%"))->
addSection("%office%", "an office")->
addSection("%home%", "your house");
Unique Arguments are used for tracking purposes
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
addUniqueArguments("Customer", "Someone");
addUniqueArguments("location", "Somewhere");
Filter Settings are used to enable and disable apps, and to pass parameters to those apps.
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
addFilterSetting("gravatar", "enable", 1)->
addFilterSetting("footer", "enable", 1)->
addFilterSetting("footer", "text/plain", "Here is a plain text footer")->
addFilterSetting("footer", "text/html", "<p style='color:red;'>Here is an HTML footer</p>");
Headers can be used to add existing sendgrid functionality (such as for categories or filters), or custom headers can be added as necessary.
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
addHeader("category", "My New Category");