- Contains latest tools like React 16.8 (One with hooks), webpack 4, Babel 7.
- Next Generation Routing with @reach/router
- Component and Route level code-splitting with React.lazy and @reach/router
- Css-in-js with Styled Components
- No side-effect middleware, useHooks
- Out of the box support for Sass/Scss, .graphql and svgs
- Testing with Jest
- Webpack 4 and Babel 7 provides awesome development experience with Hot-reloading, Tree-shaking, Faster Build times and all the good stuff :)
- Split your Redux store, Views (Components and Connectors) into different chunks and show a loader even before react loads, this gives a extremely fast initial paint.
^^^^^ First paint contains loader 😄 ^^^^^
Split your Routes and React components using React.lazy.
Babel-preset-env compiles all node_modules and creates separate vendors~chunks for each our code chunk.
- Styled Components provides Css-in-js support with extremely small and fast runtime.
- Extremely easy and intuitive routing with @reach/router
git clone https://github.com/kanitsharma/Impulse.git
cd Impulse
yarn start
yarn build